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Ryuko scenario poll

  • Zenketsu route 85
  • Junketsu route 117
  • 2024-06-27
  • 202 votes
{'title': 'Ryuko scenario poll', 'choices': [{'text': 'Zenketsu route', 'votes': 85}, {'text': 'Junketsu route', 'votes': 117}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 6, 27, 8, 34, 18, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 202}


Hey folks.

Here are the two possible scenarios for the Ryuko set.

The set would star Ragyo as the villain, as it makes the most logical sense with the show.

Ragyo having discovered Ryuko's true identity and potential for her own plans with the Life fiber, decides to claim Ryuko and use/tease her.

Two ways to go about it:

- Zenketsu route

In this scenario, Ragyo uses the life fiber's "Submission" ability to take control of Zenketsu while Ryuko is wearing it. Zenketsu transforms into a "Zenketsu: Mayu". Which is a permanent bondage cocoon form.

Unable to move a muscle, Ragyo teases the now bound Ryuko.
Ragyo uses "Mental Refitting" to force Ryuko to enjoy the demise of her permanent cocoon, forcing her to orgasm non-stop. Although Ryuko occasionally breaks free of the mental refitting, it never lasts long before it keeps her mind in check again.

The "fluids" of her orgasms are then used as a potent power source for the life fiber. Ragyo will uses Ryuko as a permanent battery of sorts, but she also enjoy having Ryuko all cocoon and bound this way.
Ryuko sometimes "snaps out" for a few second to her mother's delight as she enjoys watching her pathetic struggles.

- Junketsu route

In this scenario, Ragyo forces Ryuko to wear fuse with Junketsu just like in the show. Ryuko's mind tries to battle a deep desire to "please her" and do whatever she asks.

Ryuko unexpectedly snaps out of that controlled state. But when she does, the worst has already happened. Her "Evil self" already defeated and captured all of her former friends. The battle is lost, Ragyo has won and it's all thanks to Ryuko defeating the rebellion while she was under control. The life fiber now encases the entire world. It's over.

Broken by this revelation, Ragyo tells Ryuko that she doesn't need to fight or think anymore. And they can be together. Junketsu transfoms into "Junketsu: Ningyō". A rubber bound doll version of itself. Ryuko giggles in her insanity, having lost all hope. She embraces her "love". Now this is the only thing she has to look forward to.

Ragyo is very happy of her new bound doll and wastes no time teasing it.

These are the two options.



Its gotta be the doll route, could even mean her sister might also be a bound doll and that's hot


I want Zenketsu story but I know Junketsu would win cause there’s more impact and it’s like an alternate ending if Ryuko didn’t snapped out of her “evil self”. Not to mention it matches the “hopeless” and “perm isolation” thing.