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Hi everyone, just thought I'd make a post detailing how I felt about 2023, and what this year will look like!

2023 was a bit of a difficult year, since I had a lot of IRL things that required my attention. Still, I managed to get a few updates released. A lot of these elements were focused around more core elements of the game, such as the UI, sound and navigation, with h-scenes taking more of a backseat. This will continue for a little while, since there are a few more gameplay and user-experience related features I want to implement. However, I am getting to the point where all of the coding-heavy things like these are nearly done, and updates can be wholly focused around h-scenes, characters and all that wonderful stuff.

Updates in 2023 also took a while as I was waiting on a couple large commissions for the game, namely the map screen and the inventory dev work. These took up a chunk of the year unfortunately. Luckily, the game only needs 1 or 2 larger bits of commissioned work left, and I'm hoping to get them sorted earlier on. The rest of any commissioned work will be for backgrounds, as I'm slowly replacing the current ones with much better-looking ones. These commissions cost money however, so by supporting you are helping me find the best artists and programmers I can work with. The added backgrounds and possible extra bits will be added pretty much as soon as they are done, since they aren't as integral to the game's core.

2024 looks like an exciting year for this project, and I'm hoping I release more updates this year. I also want to be more active here, so you can see everything I'm working on.

Thank you all for your continued support throughout 2023!


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