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  • TQ_preview_01.mp4
  • TQ_preview_02.mp4



The mod for The quarry is finally out ! I've spent waaaaay too much time trying to improve it and to add the animations but no : this one is just textures.

The good news is that all my efforts will be useful in Man of Medan so there will be some new cool functionalities in it ;) (hint : camera, light, ...) An early version will be posted as Work In Progress next week.

Abigail is file 00, Emma is 01, Kaitlyn is 02 and Laura is 03. You can use them all together or separately.

Enjoy !




Great work, not my thing but I can appreciate the hard work gone into creating this. I know you don't have it planned but I would love a diaper mod for this game


I might have found a way to diaper mod this game but it will have to wait until I finish the Man of Medan Mods :) I will let you know :)