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I'm really excited to get to share this. I recently had a cool idea that I wanted to pursue. Sometimes, I hate the look of NPC houses (like the Goths). I realized it's a pain to change their entire living space, but that if I could make a tool that would change colors automatically, it'd be a huge help.

The tool has 2 features. First, if you shift-click the ground in a room, it will do the entire room, scanning all of the objects.

Here I picked Blue for the Goths' dining room:

It worked, but say I hate the curtains.

My friend an I decided it'd be cool if you could select, say, curtains, tell THEM to change color, and that it'd pass that on to every other object of that type. Here I am using this tool on chairs in a room:

I select blue on the chair, and all chairs of this variety get the result!

So you can make over something like a kitchen by picking a color theme for the room, then a complimentary color for accessory decor like the counters or curtains, and rely on the mod to give you that color.

I'm really excited to share it and have a video trailer I'm working on. 

Thanks for making it possible guys. I really enjoy creating new ideas and trying new things on the regular. I'm planning a makeover of the Gameplay Overhaul options system that will make it 100% modular.



Oh wow, this is awesome!


Brilliant idea.


I am floored. I didn't know I needed this, and now I can't wait! If I weren't already your patron, I'd say 'shut up and take my money!'


You guys are all awesome for providing me the opportunity to focus on this instead of whatever else things to keep myself going, so I can put my heart into it and pursue any neat ideas I have. Thank you!


You keep blowing my mind, I would never have thought this could be a thing!

Intern Waffle

If you get this working for windows I'm going to SCREAM. I've always wanted a way to change all of a specific item. In a room at once.

Carl Studebaker

Any progress on a Windows version of this mod?


You are living in the future!!! Thank you for bringing us with you! LOVE THIS!


You, seriously, are the best ever!! Thank you.

Intern Waffle

If that's in reference to my comment, I mean the windows on the house lmfao


I am happy to inform you both that I have it working on windows on the house and it will do every window or column at once. It has to be a clickable object though! I'm working on the reveal trailer right now!!


OMG this definitely will make decorating homes a lot easier!!

Sassy Mama

I love this!!