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I was given early access to The Sims 4 Wedding Stories, but it was in a very incomplete state. This meant I couldn't review it, so I did something a bit unorthodox with my time and worked on correcting what I saw as issues within the pack. In particular, weddings themselves. When the pack is built around weddings and in particular a wedding that is reliant on player control over which phases are active, it's important that Sims be snappy about doing what the player wants. 

Maxis fixed a bunch of bugs in the pack on release day, but my fixes were still relevant so here they are...

Right now Sims get stuck in conversation and will not do as they are told. Gathering for toasts does nothing for me. Even if I can get Sims to gather around, the others are busy doing other things and not paying attention.

This mod fixes this by forcibly telling the Sims what to do. It compels them to gather for toasts or around the dance floor for first dance. It cancels things that get in the way, making them respond quickly to your commands and cuts down chatter before the wedding.

This is about all this pack needed to improve the flow of weddings, though they are still fairly shallow events on their own. I have not reviewed the pack in its final state, but if you jump in for the world you may enjoy having this to help the Sims do as they're told.

I have tried to make this as compatible as I can. It only uses 2 xml files from the pack and does everything else through scripting. Other modders will make neat wedding features and fixes and I want the majority to be compatible. Please download both files and ENSURE SCRIPT MODS are turned on in game settings > other.




Appreciate your work, but I'm still fucking dumbfounded how a multi million dollar corporation couldn't fix this before release.


Thank you, Carl ! What Courtney S. said. I couldn't help myself and just bought the pack. And then your fixes dropped. Perfect timing !! Ima gonna give it a shot.


Thank you!! So shit you even have to do this. We all appreciate you :)

Blue Nerd

Thank you for taking the bullet and fixing this for the community, we love you Carl!


As usual...Carl is the G.O.A.T!


You are fast Carl, you've earned yourself a day of lol


Thank you so much for working on this!


I am having an issue with the mod. At my Bach Party, I am selecting Time for Toasts and nobody is moving.


This is why I support you!! Completely ridiculous to mod a new game pack, but you did this for us and I appreciate it!


Thank you so much for this! You're the best Carl xxx


Just joined your patron to help out because you are the real GOAT bro fixing all this stuff when ea could of coded the game properly. Absolute legend I can buy the pack and have it work now. Shot man have a good day


Thank you, Carl! I'm purchasing this new pack today bc of your hard work and dedication to making it actually playable. I don't think I'm alone


After seeing this mod, I think I am going to get the wedding pack now. Thank you for this!


You are a superhero working in the shadows cleaning up the messy streets of EA Sims! Lol 🦸


You're amazing, full stop


Thank You So Much For The Fix

Juli Hoffman

You are awesome!!!!


Huge thanks for this work!


Thank you so much! Modders out here doing EA's job for them!


This is fantastic, thank you for doing this!


Thank you so much for doing this , just joined your patreon


Thanks so much for your hard work Carl!


Thank you for making this mod!


thanks carl


Thank you Carl. I bought the game yesterday hoping the Sims Team would have fixed the bugs, they did not....I have to use your mod to make the new features work better! You are thanked immensely.

Tia Crawford

I apologize if this is a dumb question, since these are xml files, will it conflict with the xml injector mod?


No worries XML injector is just a utility mod that helps people do the type of thing I did to make my own mod


Hi Carl. I really appreciate all your fixes. I added the wedding fixes but still literally nothing works. Are more fixes coming?


hey carl thanks for the mod but this one doesn't work anymore.. can u please update? thx


thanks Carl! I became a patreon to get this mod im so sad that they released it in this state and am hoping this mod fixes some of those issues!


Thank you! You're awesome!


Omg thank you so much!


will the bouquet toss and cake cutting work now as well?


Oh Carl, now you are tempting me! Giving EA my money after they released this pack knowing it does not work as advertised is something I really don't want to do, I would much rather give you the full cost of the pack for actually making it playable! They actually made weddings worse, at least without the pack the guests show up in formal wear. I'm going to sleep on it but without your mod I wouldn't even be considering it. Thank you so much for all you do


Thank you so much!

queenk.c smith

I wanna just say thank you very much


would it be possible for you to change the selling prices of the wedding cakes? It feels like it was overlooked since they all sell for $200.


Thank you for rescuing this release. You’re amazing.


i downloaded both files and tried to open them, i keep getting error message: the archive is either in unknown format or damaged...not sure what i'm doing wrong.


ok. thanks so much! can't wait to use it


The mod is not working for me. It doesn't allow me to plant any events with it. What am I doing wrong?


That happened to me after yesterday's mod patch but after I repaired my game, it started working again.


You are a star! Thank you


Thank you, Carl!

Sam D.

Does this fix the attire issue? In old weddings, sim guests would come in formal or party attire (I forget which). Do we have to use the old version to get the in proper attire or do your fixes fix this too? Not sure I am making myself clear, but hopefully you get it.


you're really saving this pack. haha. Thanks so much for continuing to work on this!!


Zero just released a mod fix for forcing formal attire to be worn and other guest and broadcasting tweaks. I'm unsure if its compatible with Carl's and vice versa yet or not but at least its another option for more fixes - https://www.patreon.com/posts/my-wedding-fixes-63037455?utm_medium=post_notification_email&utm_source=post_link&utm_campaign=patron_engagement


Thank you so much! You are the best :D


It worked!!!! The wedding was awesome, thank you!!! The only thing dat didn't work for me was the cutting of the cake together. But everything else worked.


okay, I know I just said this last night but you're really out here doing the most and I appreciate you so much lol


I wish EA would give you a cut of MWS for fixing their mess. Bless you and everything you're doing for the community <3


I'm so glad outfits are fixed. Thank you, Carl!

Wendy Hubble

Hi Carl. Nice Work!! So I have a question or a suggestion about the problems with the new pack. Let me preface by saying I am neither a programmer nor exceptionally intelligent. I do note that the biggest problem seems to be that sims are just not following instructions. Is it possible that their queues are filled with unexecuted commands from other sources? Is it possible to write a code to force their queues clear so they follow the instructions issued? I watched James Turner's video where he had Judith Ward as the Sim of honor. Because she is famous, her queue is always going to be full of other instructions. I got to thinking that this could be the problem with the whole thing. Just thought I would bounce that off you.


omg thank you


Thankyou so much,i really dont know what i would do without you. wether its your mods or your videos! #saviorofthesims


you are amazing, i tried your updated update for outfits but it didn't work for me, i choose polished and choose red colour but everyone came in normal clothes.....:-(


It is a problem, actually. Sim queues being cleared helps a lot, and it's one of the reasons I described my mod as a bit forceful. I'm making progress on many fronts, but haven't messed with celebs yet and I expect them reacting to paparazzi was a serious issue preventing most of it from functioning.


You're a hero Carl, thank you so much.


That's odd! We've had several testers have them work fine... but, I confess, this pack is very messed up and a lot can go wrong still.


I have not even downloaded this pack yet, but Carl you are great I had to support! Thank you


Hi Carl! I just wanted to say that my Sims had a successful wedding! with this mod, they sat, gathered for cake, and danced etc. I had one question though, my wedding never ended! I was afraid to click the (X) button because that would end the wedding. I was wondering if there was an issue with that! Thanks so much


Thank you, Carl!!


ive done quite a few weddings with and without this mod and when you press the x, it simply ends the wedding so there should be no issues with that!!


Thank you, Carl ! My bride and groom are not showing up in their formal wear. But that's no biggie. I had to practice a couple of times to make it look cute. but everything is working for me :) Except for the bouquet throw (is that even what its called in English ?). No idea what's going on there lol. Maybe i just keep doing something wrong. Like with the cake. I finally figured out that it needs to be put on a regular table to get the cutting animation. Once i figured it out, i was able to enjoy the cute animations. Sims are loose cannons by nature. With an attention span of a fly :)) Question remains, why are you able to improve it before the devs ? Anywho. Thanks a lot, man. :)

Kathryn Harvey

It's an absolute crime that EA is just content to not acknowledge the massive favor you've done them fixing all this. This is incredible. It's such a minor thing compared to the 328234 other things going wrong in the wedding, but any feasible fix to the wedding cakes expiring the second you look at them funny? You can kind of work around it with the CL picnic baskets or by adding a computer and buying a cake on site, but the expiring in a few hours thing is just so.....*completely* unlike how wedding cakes actually function in reality.


the fix.package does nothing when I click on it so I cant download it!


have you tried right clicking and choosing "save as..."?

Steffi Jänsch

Thank you very much! I would not know what 2 do if I did not have not your Mod!


You may not be doing God's work, Carl, but you're definitely doing EA's! The fact that you're providing this fix for free is beyond generous. I hope as many people as possible consider becoming patrons -- even temporarily -- to repay you for the work you're doing for EA unpaid! Just restoring the original wedding system turns an unplayable pack into something usable for those who are more interested in the new world and assets than they are in the wedding interactions. From the bottom of my heart, I thank you!


Business wise, this whole situation has to be horrifying for EA. They’re losing so many (more) customers (than usual) and I can’t help but think broken packs like these have serious consequences. Thank you Carl for fixing what’s left of this haunted pack lol!


The community has supported me a lot over the years so I wanted to devote myself to fixing as much as I could and make sure it was free, since I knew the pack was seriously troubled. People already felt a bit ripped off so I didn't want to act like some savior and then be responsible for bugs they might have. They've been very nice and supportive and let me do this full time the past week. Thank you for the kind words, and you're very welcome.

queenk.c smith

thank you for all your hard work

Random Onlooker

Thank you for all your hard work!


thank you, much appreciated


I just got the pack today! Thank you so, so much for the fixes Carl! Wishing you all the best! ^0^


Yes ! My bride and groom from that same save are now appearing in their wedding outfits. It's still a whole thing and i'm still not getting ''gold'' despite fulfilling all the tasks with my own sims. That's alright. I kinda enjoy it now and some things are really adorable. I still recommend to practice a couple of times with a test couple before throwing longtime beloved sims into the deep :)) Thanks Carl ! Great job.


Really appreciate the time and effort spent on these bug fixes and improvement! Big thanks for making sims 4 play gameplay better for everyone!


Thank you so much 😊

Kathryn Grace

Thanks, Carl. These weddings are still so frustrating. It's a bit like herding cats. I did my first, yesterday, and while I made it through all the goals the wedding wouldn't end. It was 5 am the following day when I quit the thing. The bouquet toss was a nonstarter; she just kept putting the bouquet on the ground while everyone idled behind her. I confess I got a little screamy at the end there. lol


I guess that since the game doesn't know what task you'll do last, you're left to cancel the wedding yourself. I didn't look into how they end, they seem to just expire after 24h.


hey carl! small problem I’m getting in my game not sure if its happening to anyone else, but I have ur mod installed and almost everything works! amazing job! but gather for cake and time for toasts, dont work for me still! Amazing job again tho!


I feel like I'm missing something here... maybe it's just me but with the mods installed, nothing still appears to work :( None of my Sims gather around for anything.


Hi Carl, thanks for the fixes. Most things seemed to be working at the wedding... except cutting the cake and the bouquet throw. Astonishingly another problem arose that has nothing to do with EA's incompetence. One of my guests died at the wedding and Grim was none too happy when he was asked to leave. :)


Thank you so much for all your hard work! I ran into one oddity though and I'm not sure if it's an EA bug or an oversight. I can ask special npcs like Bonehilda and Patchy to take roles like FlowerPal however they aren't available to select in the wedding menu.


Thank you so much for fixing the Weddings! I had the same problem as Karen Egerton-Read with the cake today, but it worked a few days ago, so I'm not sure if that has anything to do with your mod, or EA. I did move all the chairs out of the way and make sure the cake was in the center. The option to cut the cake was there, and it showed in the queue, but then they just stood there looking at the cake until it timed out.


Hello! First, thanks so very, very much for the hard work on these wonderful mods! Honestly, all of you wonderful modders make all the difference, so thanks for that! I have a quick question if you don't mind, and if I'm in the wrong place, please just let me know. I have Better Exceptions installed, and it's saying that there's a duplicate script mod in both my "gameplay overhaul" folder and my "wedding stories fixes" folder. The file names are entirely different for both mods, so I'm very confused about that, so to make sure I'm doing this right, my question is: When I install the wedding stories fix mod, should I be replacing the gameplay overhaul mod with it? Or can I have both at once? Thanks very much in advance!


is this broken? it keeps popping up on my compatibility scanner?


Hey Carl, it looks like you overrode the situation. Was that intentional or not? Just checking because it says that it was only 2 xml but there's more now. Thanks! (Also I noticed you changed the vow pickers as well. My mod needs existence to not be a test because I made a custom relationship that doesn't seem to exist as an SO - would it be possible to remove that code in your mod for compatibility? Thanks!)


Hi Carl, could you still keep the part of the mod that allows us to have weddings the old way? To be honest, I don’t like having to micromanage weddings that much so the old style of getting married suited me just fine. I hope you will still make that option available. I would love that. Thanks for all your hard work to make the game better.


Twisted Mexi has this. It's called "Dual Wedding Systems".


Yes, I stumbled across it yesterday when I was looking for the T.O.O.L. mod. This is exactly what I was looking for! 😁


The weddings still aren't working for me without the mod...


Weddings are still bugged. Took 24 hours and they STILL didn't get married haha-


My game still wont go through the invite system to start any event. I wish they had just given the build items. My sims can only elope now


can we still use this? the weddings still barely work for me.


can someone tell me where i can find a reupload of this mod? i have a cracked version of sims 4 it really sucks this is taken down.


When was this posted i cant find the mod to download


Can you bring this mod back? Weddings still don't work for me.

Dark Angel

Please bring this back, weddings still don't work! Thank you for all your hardwork! ♥


I know the other fixes may not be needed, but I cannot find a way to bring back the regular base game weddings. I prefer those because they work best with the Arrange Marriage Mod....hopefully someone brings them back.


I like how as soon as I posted this I see a comment about TM Dual Wedding Systems mod.