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Do you hate Paparazzi and their bad behavior? Consider grabbing this little quickie that should disable them on all lots except those with Up an Coming Hotspot or Hottest Place in Town. 



Oooh, very nice!


Omg thank you! I remove celebrities because of this issue 9 times out of ten so this is great!


Perfect thankyou


THANK YOU!!! This is such a relief.

Alex Ryan

Oh my GOD this has made my year and it's only like 3 days in


This is awesome, thank you!


Hello Carl!! I just want to say Thank you for all you do!!! I am super excited to be a Patron and help you reach for all your dreams with the mods you are developing, guides, and YouTube. Keep up the good work!


Hi Carl, TnT_Terry here. So happy to become a patreon to support all you do. I wish I could do more but I support you and 9 others and am on a fixed income, so you are my last in supporting a limit of 10. You and other's make my game a happy place to be, so please keep up the awesim work ;) hugs


Hey Terry. My email inbox has been spammed hard lately, so I missed your comment when it first came in. Just wanted to say thanks for being kind and letting me know my mods help make the game better for you. Your support means a lot to me.


NP I know you are busy making mods, keeping up with them and RL, it's a lot to tend to ;)


Thank you!! This is a blessing!