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I'm working on Strangerville coverage tonight, and it's been fun. I thought I'd make you all aware we have about 5 videos planned over the next two weeks that will cover everything, including the new goal to investigate the town, the new military career, and some spoiler-free information to solving it. I'll also have one full of spoilers that goes through the entire process of investigating the conspiracy. I think it's important to note that, because this pack has a light storyline that people will not want spoiled. So I'll be labeling my videos based on whether they contain spoilers or not, because I don't want to detract from your experience.

It's worth noting that if you want to be notified, either check the guide regularly or our twitter. Youtube gives notices of videos but we put all our text articles on twitter. I'll of course try to update here to show off a few of my newer videos. 

I haven't done much lately but I'm still covering the game, just sometimes take care of other projects that need work in the times between releases. Being a webmaster means having a lot of little responsibilities that, when together make a bigger one. Since December
I've educated myself in a new skill (game development) and have had a lot of fun learning to make games. After covering them for 10 years and in particular mechanics, I'm kind of excited to try to make my own and I've sunk 2 months into a project that is my first attempt.

Very glad new content is coming to Sims, even if it's just a Game Pack. Thanks as always for your support - it means everything to me and has helped a lot with the changes to ads over the last couple years. 



Thank you for letting us know if there will be spoilers. This is the kind of pack I like to figure out and use your resources only if I get stuck. I'm looking forward to seeing what you've discovered.


Also, glad to hear you're having fun with new ventures in game creation


Thank you for your work. I didn't even know that this was coming out til I popped onto your website. I look forward to spending time trying to sort out the mystery. Its good to know I have 'back up' if i get stumped :)


I experienced the same thing. It just came so fast, it was possible to miss it but I have a good friend who watches for news for me when I am working on other stuff so I luckily found out on day 1.