Update on May Rewards set (Chobits) (Patreon)
Hi wavies~~ so tomorrow the pay/sign-up period will begin for our Chobits set; but I unfortunately wont be able to upload any of the rewards until May 2nd or 3rd.
We're actually away from our work office right now visiting family, (me and my boyfriend Shane, who is the one who takes care of most of customer support and other things!) and unfortunately on our trip it looks like he contracted something and is dealing with full body rashes lol...💦💦💦
Thankfully he is on the upswing, but we are a couple days behind schedule, so we probably wont be home to upload rewards or begin the fulfilment on the Monster High sets until at least Wednesday.
So all the Chobits stuff will be up May 2nd or 3rd! See you then💜