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An O.C. of mine from this pic on DeviantArt:

Here's some stuff about Rosa:

"Rosa is the youngest and newest entry in the chruch that has yet to be named. Shes about as normal as they come, shes an earnest worker and faithful follower of whatever this church is. Just wants to do the best she can so that usually gets her into trouble hahah. Think of her as the straight man. This is the closest we're gonna get to the 'earnest cinnamon roll trying their best'. She's on the pudgy side and that only helps to drive home her softness. She's relatively harmless and any harm she does inflict is 99% of the time unintentional."

"In terms of Gas Rosa is by far the most frequent culprit, not because it of smell or force or sound, but frequency and gas control. She has even less control than Rosemary, which of whom we all know has very little control over her rear emmissions. Rosa's toots usually sound sputtery, deep, and horn like, always comes in multiple waves. If you think you heard a honk or the sound of a creaky door, 8 out of 10 times its was Rosa meaty backside beatboxing." 

"She's terribly embarrassed by farts in general, hers have a decent amount of stank and hang time, in terms of smellness she's the least. It's just that literally everything makes her gassy and those cheeks have no problem letting you know at any moment in time."




More awesome OC lore, can’t wait to learn about the other 2 girls!!!

Half-Elf Bard

has there ever been any background for Claire prior to this? or are we building up to that lol?