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This is where you'll be dropping off your request. Literally everyone on the $1 sketch tier will be able to post a request. You can post as many as you want, there is no limit to how many a patron can submit. Any submissions made after the next month won't be picked. So you've got to resubmit your request every new month if ya really want that one.

Submit your request here in the comments throughout the month.  I pick 3 or more from the comments and post them within the 1st two weeks of the next month.

So, for example, you make your requests in January and I post the finished work in February.

And then it starts all over again for the next months


Frost Beam

Princess peach standing up cupping her butt and farting really hard

Frost Beam

And Gwen Stacy "into the spiderverse" just suddenly letting an all out massive dump in her suit


How about Juri Han farting in Ryu's ryu's face after beating him a fight.


Colleen from Road Rovers would be awesome!

Drew Davids

Glimmer from the new she-ra series sharting in this outfit(with a nice panty line): https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/shera-andtheprincessesofpower/images/0/0e/Glimmer_Render.png/revision/latest?cb=20190106013512

Drew Davids

Adora from the new she-ra series sharting in the outfit she wears in the show: https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/shera-and-the-princesses-of-power/images/a/a4/AdoraRender.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/309?cb=20181030172527

Drew Davids

Alexis rhodes from Yugioh GX sharting in her white panties in this outfit: https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/yugioh/images/3/34/AlexisRhodes-DULI.png/revision/latest?cb=20171001200008

Drew Davids

Kallen from Code geass sharting in this outfit: https://www-s.mlo.me/upen/v/201111/20111130/Code-Geass-Kallen-Cosplay-Costume-14451-0.jpg

Drew Davids

Charmcaster from ben 10 with her pants down sharting in her panties. Reference pic: https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/ben10/images/a/a4/Charmcaster_day.png/revision/latest?cb=20190413055758

Drew Davids

Theresa from class of the titans sharting in her jeans (pantyline visible. Reference Pic - https://i.gyazo.com/7209835f73d6e63191ba7dce5f4c3bf5.png

Drew Davids

Ribrianne (Pre-transformation) from Dragon ball super sharting in her panties in the outfit in the reference pic. Reference Pic - https://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/brianne_dokkan.png

Drew Davids

Erina Nakiri from (Food Wars Shokugeki no Soma) sharting in her panties in the outfit below. Reference pic - https://e7.pngegg.com/pngimages/567/1015/png-clipart-erina-nakiri-food-wars-shokugeki-no-soma-mirai-kuriyama-anime-cosplay-anime-black-hair-fictional-character.png

Drew Davids

Susan test from (johnny test) sharting in her panties in the outfit below. Reference pic - https://i.gyazo.com/f07eafb01d379db480f5f00b452c5ec3.png

Drew Davids

Samey from (total drama) sharting in her panties in the outfit below. Reference pic - https://i.gyazo.com/171e94a4a89334640c5cf670fb54f678.png


Since it's December why not keep it festive. What about a female reindeer dropping more than coal down a chimney. If you know what I mean.

Anthony Gigliotti

I want to see... Kelvena http://xenosaga.wikia.com/wiki/Kelvena https://i.imgur.com/kf846HD.jpg https://i.imgur.com/gtd8trE.jpg http://i.imgur.com/a0sUMv4.jpg From xenogears. See her with her trademark closed eyes. She is sitting on a bench. Her dress pulled up. This view. https://i.imgur.com/y5EluIQ.png See her pooping at us like this.


How about Jessie Rasberry from FF7, or Rain Mikamura from G Gundam?


I really like Poppy from LoL so anything with her could be cool, especially a pantypoop or something like that Or anything with Ashe from Overwatch, that would be really great ! =)