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The first half of the day in class was still boring. Thankfully the ordinary classes were compact and took up less time than they would in a normal high school. A lot of their school work was actually relegated to homework so that the second half of the day could be dedicated to heroics class.

Kenichi was actually extremely curious about what they would be doing today for heroics. The manga and anime didn't really show the day-to-day classes as it focused more on the important events. For example, he knew that the sports festival was still a few months away but it was only a few weeks after the USJ incident.

Which, honestly made sense. The way it was presented in canon, the USJ incident seemed like it happened the day after the battle trial. Which happened to be the same day that the school was broken into, today actually. But if that was the case, how did Tomura recruit, gather, prepare, and place all of the villains that were within USJ? That kind of thing would take a serious amount of time, not the hour or so between stealing the schedule and the students arriving at USJ.

Sure, he could have already recruited the villains earlier in preparation for something else. Even then it would take a fair amount of time to get them all to one or two places for Kurogiri to teleport them around. The Nomu being ready made sense though. Given how badly Tomura and All For One want to discredit or kill the big lug, having a Nomu specifically to counter All Might just made sense. It just seemed highly unlikely that they would manage to recruit something like a hundred petty villains in the four hours there would be between the break in and their arrival at USJ. Especially when they had no clue All Might would be teaching at UA until his debut yesterday.

Kenichi was brought out of his thoughts as the bell for lunch rang. He happily joined the others as they made their way to the cafeteria. He wasn't looking forward to the coming stampede, but he'd help deal with it easily when the time came. As their group entered the room, Kenichi's eyes spotted a familiar bit of gravity defying purple hair. He grinned brightly and made his way over to the boy he'd met on the bus to their entry exam, Shinso Hitoshi.

“Shinso-san! It's good to see you again.”

Shinso, with his perpetually bland look, glanced at Kenichi and showed some surprise, “Oh, it's you.”

Kenichi couldn't stop grinning as he walked up to Shinso, “I've been dying to know how you did on the entrance exam. How'd it go?”

Shinso shrugged with one shoulder, though he did have a small smile, “Thanks to your advice I think it went better than it otherwise might have. I just managed to squeak into class 1-B at fortieth place.”

Kenichi blinked and then grinned widely, “Just barely is still a success! That's excellent! I knew you could do it.”

Shinso nodded, “I mostly had rescue points, but thanks to your advice I did manage to take down a few of the villain bots by hitting their off switches. Who knew? I even figured out how to use my quirk on myself.” He sighed a bit, “Unfortunately, as it currently stands, I can't use it in combat. It takes far too much effort and concentration to get it to work. Using it to help other people though? Super easy, so thanks for that.”

Kenichi gave Shinso a soft pat on his shoulder, “Excellent. I'm glad you made it. I'll leave you to your lunch. I need to get my own anyway. See you around Shinso-san.”

Shinso nods, “Just call me Hitoshi.”


The two nodded at each other and went their separate ways. As Kenichi rejoined his group of friends, Kirishima could help asking, “Who was that?”

Kenichi smiled brightly, “Shinso Hitoshi, Class 1-B. I met him during the bus ride to the entrance exam. His Quirk isn't all that suitable for direct combat so I gave him some advice. It looks like it worked out for him, he managed to get into the heroics class like he wanted.”

“So manly! What's his Quirk?”

“Not my place to say. He'd make an okay melee combatant, on the level of Aizawa-sensei with the right training, but he'd absolutely shine as a support hero. Especially with the right partner.”

Kenichi couldn't help thinking of what a powerful team Shinso could make with someone that had a compulsion-type Quirk that could force someone to answer Shinso's question. He didn't know for sure if such a Quirk existed but given the billions of possibilities worldwide, he was certain someone must have something like that.

He and Momo gathered their massive mountains of food and left a rather large tip for Lunch Rush and his assistants. While the basic lunches were either free or exceedingly cheap, that only covered a normal portion of food. For the two of them, ten normal portions would easily be a light snack. The two of them joined their large group of friends and started chatting while demolishing their food.

It wasn't until about three quarters of the way through lunch that the alarms started blaring loudly. Naturally, everyone was startled by the sudden noise and some students began to panic. While the majority of their class followed like lemmings, Kenichi held Momo back. When she looked at him, he leaned in close to her ear so she could hear him over the alarm, “Megaphone.”

She nodded and turned away from the crowd to lift up her shirt. With a bright flash of light she near instantly made the requested item. It was one of the ones on her list of must haves. There were far too many situations where one could come in handy, case in point, “EVERYONE CALM DOWN! YOU ARE STUDENTS OF UA! EXIT THE BUILDING IN A CALM AND ORDERLY FASHION! CAREFULLY HELP ANYONE WHO HAS TRIPPED AND DO NOT PACK THE PASSAGES LIKE A BUNCH OF MINDLESS SARDINES!

As soon as Kenichi finished berating them all, the students calmed down and the noise level dropped significantly. It was in between blasts of the alarm that they all heard Ida shouting, “It's just the reporters from this morning!”

Kenichi nodded and continued to make his way out near the end of the no longer packed pile up of students. He could see a few of the older students looking slightly ashamed of their behaviour. Even more so when they realized he was just a first year and had to yell at them to get them to calm down.

Every student made their way to designated evacuation points, as detailed in the pamphlets they got on the first day. Momo, as class president, took role of their class to make sure everyone had arrived. It was only a short time later that Aizawa showed up and led them all to their classroom. Once they arrived it was silent until Aizawa spoke up, “Your arrival and waiting at your designated evacuation point was... adequate.”

He looked at Kenichi and appeared slightly miffed as he added, “Calming down and organizing the students was quick thinking on your part Yaoyorozu-san. Good job.”

Kenichi really, really, wanted to say something snarky and kind of asshole-ish, but he held back and just nodded in acceptance of the compliment. Aizawa stopped looking at him specifically and addressed the entire class, “Today you will be having one of the more normal heroics classes. Myself and Ectoplasm will be acting as your watchers. You will have access to the track and field as well as the gym. I want all of your to focus on your physical fitness. A few of your are already fairly fit so push yourselves. Meanwhile, the rest of you should work on what you learned during the Quirk evaluation. Regardless of your Quirk, a healthy a fit body is always something you should strive for as a hero.”

Kenichi was only slightly disappointed with what he could expect for the more 'average' heroic classes. Though, honestly, it made sense. They couldn't do exciting battles or rescue training every single day. The school did not revolve around their class and the teachers had other students to teach. It's not like All Might was exclusive to their class, and with the limit he still had on his strength he could only teach a single class per day. He might not be forced to drop his muscle form anymore, but he would still need his speed and strength if their was an accident or emergency.

The entire class shuffled out and made their way to the locker rooms to change into the gym uniforms. There was no need for the costumes for today.

After that the day swiftly passed, along with more that went along the same lines. Sometimes their heroic class was dedicated to physical fitness. Other days it was dedicated to thought exercises. Thinking their way through different scenarios and talking about what they could do in them. There were also the occasional competition days where they would be pit against each other in an effort to build minor rivalries and push each other to do better. Like pitting Ida against someone only slightly faster or slower than himself in a long distance run to push them both to move faster. Or a weight lifting competition to push the boys to try and out do each other in a macho display of strength. It was honestly all in good fun and brought the class closer together.

During these days only two things were rather interesting. First and foremost, Bakugo's seat was still empty. It looked like the teachers were using the empty seat as incentive to push the general studies students to work harder. It was clear the seat was deliberately being left open until the sports festival and someone from the other classes would be guaranteed a promotion. Second, Kenichi spent time convincing all of the female students to report anyimpropriety by Mineta to Momo. The little shit had realized he couldn't get away with blatant actions so he'd become somewhat more subtle. So, they resorted to keeping a record of every inappropriate comment the little shit made towards a female member of the student body. As soon as he crossed any lines, they would be reporting the large incident and presenting their itemized and detailed list of minor incidents as corroborating evidence.

If they couldn't get him on one single incident, they would get him in another way.

It was a couple of weeks later that Aizawa made the announcement, “It was decided that today you will be supervised by three teachers for today's heroics class, myself, All Might, and somebody else.” He lifted up a card, “Be the hero everyone needs, whether it's a flood, fire, or any other disaster.” Everyone could now see the word 'Rescue' printed on the card, “Rescue Training.”

Everyone excitedly discussed the new event until Aizawa silenced them, “Don't get too ahead of yourself.” He pulled out a remote and pressed the button to release everyone's costumes, “It's up to each of you whether you wear your costume or not. Some of them might not be helpful, or even detrimental, to rescue efforts since they haven't been fine tuned after all.”

He gave the class a bland look, “The training area is rather far away so we'll be taking a bus there. Change either into your gym uniform or your costume and meet me at the departure point. Go get prepared.”

Kenichi, and several others, grabbed their cases and made their way to the locker rooms. Kenichi's outfit definitely wouldn't be a hindrance in rescue efforts. Thanks to his utility belt he had several things he could use in emergencies to treat wounds. It wasn't a massive supply of materials but his future plans were to partner with his sister so she would be able to provide them when needed. They complimented each other too well to not desire to work together as a brother-sister duo in the future. It'd been their plan since childhood.

Once he finished changing he made his way out to the bus to await the others. His hero uniform was exceedingly simple to put on so he was changed rather quickly. Before long the majority of the class had arrived. Seeing them mill around in front of the bus, Momo called out, “Just go ahead and get on the bus. There's no need for assigned seating or anything due to its layout.”

Once they were underway, Tsuyu looked over at Midoriya, whom she happened to be sitting next to, “Hey Midoriya-san, I always say what I think, no matter what's on my mind. Your Quirk is weird. At first I thought it was like All Might's.” That cause Izuku to jump in surprise, “But then you started doing that lightning thing. What's up with that?”

Before Midoriya can lie, badly, Kenichi cuts in, “Actually, I know the answer to that one. Those sparks are actually excess bio-energy being expelled. When Midoriya-san is using his Full Cowling, he's still tapping into one hundred percent of the power of his Quirk, despite whatever percentage he says. The excess energy is being wasted as its expelled harmlessly into the air.”

Over the last few weeks, Midoriya had worked on his Full Cowling and gotten it up to twenty percent. It still caused a massive light show and wasted so much energy it wasn't funny, but at least he wasn't hurting himself anymore. Kenichi's comment had Tsuyu focus on him, “Your Quirk is super weird too Kenichi.”

Kenichi nodded and laughed, “Damn right it is! I wouldn't trade it for anything though.”

From there they continued to banter and discuss their Quirks. Most of the students actually knew far more about their Quirks now than they had in the canon story thanks to Kenichi. He'd eventually spoken to everyone in the class about their Quirk. With two exceptions, Todoroki and Mineta. Todoroki refused to ask for advice and Kenichi refused to give any to Mineta.

It took twenty minutes for them to arrive at the massive building that was the Unforeseen Simulation Joint, or USJ. Two things about all of this just showed how ridiculous UA really was. First, a twenty minute drive to just one part of the campus? That was insane and showed just how much real estate UA occupied. Then there was the size of the building in front of them to consider. It was so massive it could easily contain a small city or large town. Considering everything it had inside, the size made some sense, though why it wasn't just ten different smaller buildings was beyond Kenichi's understanding.

Once they stepped into the building there were exclamations of shock all around. Even Kenichi couldn't keep his jaw from dropping. See it on a TV or a manga panel was one thing. Seeing the interior of the massive space was something else entirely. He looked over all of the zones and actually lamented that they wouldn't be training here today. Despite the ripple effects of his being there, it was highly unlikely that things had changed enough to prevent this incident.

As if to prove his point, he overheard Thirteen, the Space Hero, talking to Aizawa about All Might's no-show. Apparently All Might didn't see the point in attending a class where he couldn't actually do anything. Which Kenichi understood. Despite being able to maintain his muscle form, he wasn't mush stronger than a normal person with his muscle mass without One For All. If there was an accident he wouldn't be able to do anything to help, which could reveal his weakness. Resting to recover some strength just made sense.

Subconsciously, Kenichi reached up and touched his shoulder where he had a single hair folicle of extreme power. So far he was about ninety percent of the way to Stockpiling the amount of power that is stored in Midoriya's version of One For All. He really, really wanted to give it to All Might and have All Might Prime running around once more.

Yet... part of him was glad he hadn't pushed himself to finish the new version of One For All sooner. He could have done so just by eating significantly more and dedicating more time to the process. He simply chose not to. Call it arrogance or stupidity, or anything else but... He wanted to fight. He did not believe himself to be invincible. He did not believe himself to be the strongest on the planet, yet. He knew that even if he used his strongest Quirks, he would still be weaker than All Might Prime, currently.

However, he was most definitely the strongest student in the entire school, stronger than most of the teachers even. There was no one to give him a challenge without him being forced to hold himself back significantly. This incident though, this incident would give him something that he could fight against to gauge his full strength. Something specifically designed to fight against All Might.

His eyes drifted to the fountain in the middle of USJ where a small speck of dark cloud was slowly swirling and growing larger. He tuned out Thirteen's rambling about the dangers of Quirks to watch for this moment. His heart started to hammer in his chest as his body automatically flooded his system with adrenaline.

He could hear Aizawa shouting at everyone to stay back but he tuned it out to focus on the wave of villains exiting the pitch black portal. The last being to step through the portal before it closed sent a shiver of excitement mixed with anticipation, and even a bit of fear. It was the one target in all of this that he desired to fight against. The one being that could give him a real battle where he wouldn't just instantly win.



Okay so according to what I could find, USJ was supposed to happen the day after the break in in canon. So, approximately 24 hours to gather the hundred or so villains that appeared. I don't know about anyone else but that seems... unlikely to me. I gave my reasoning in the chapter so I wont rehash it here. To those who want to argue about it, I'mma cut you off by saying two letters that solve all of my mistakes! A. U.

Also sorry for the delay on this one, again, but life man.

My muse has also bee nbombarding my brain with story ideas, some interesting, some silly. I plan to do another post either later tonight or early tomorrow about a few of the ideas to see if any seem entertaining.

Until then, peace.