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Title kinda says it.

I've been so busy lately that it feels like time has warped around me. It feels like it was only a week ago that I put up the last chapter I'd written while simultaneously feeling like a year.

A quick recap of where all the time has gone.

Leah, one of the two I take care of, had cancer in/on her uterus. She had a historectomy to remove it all. After recovering from the surgery some, she had radiation treatments. Getting blasted in the stomach by a treatment that is known to not be gentle on said stomach is not a fun experience. Needless to say, it's a good thing I don't have a weak stomach. Regardless, she's had to undergo treatment twice a week for several weeks now. Fortunately, it's now down to once a month.

When not taking care of her I was taking care of her sister Mary. Fortunately she hasn't been going through all that much more than her usual appointments.

But then came my mother. As most of you no doubt remember, she's been having a lot of surgery on her legs. She's now mostly recovered from that, walking with just a bit of a limp. So YAY! For that. However, it means she's ready to get back on the road in her Winnebago and continue exploring the country.

While she was laid up she had it in the shop getting some updates and repairs, it's a 1999 model so it needed some work. Unfortunately, the people she had doing the work were a bunch of assholes that clearly didn't know WTF they were doing despite being a shop specifically for working on RVs. Seriously, she had the exterior paneling replaced and there are tons of bubbles visible on it. It's a GIANT THICK piece of plastic, getting it installed without bubbles should have been a cake walk! Hell, wallpapering a house is harder than that!

Aside from that, they fucked up on just about everything that she asked them to do. Oil change on the generator? Now it doesn't work at all! Install a new fridge? Doesn't fucking work at all. Needless to say, she was not happy. I had to go all pissed off son on the bastards to deal with the issue. I got them to drop $5k off the price for the work (50%) and we're still considering going to a lawyer to back charge the idiots for all the damage she's still finding that they did.

Seriously, I think it's in worse condition than when she dropped it off.

So, that's where I've been for the last week, helping her deal with that issue and then moving her stuff from where she'd been staying and into her RV. I only got home last night and was just too exhausted to get on my computer to do anything.

That's essentially why I haven't written much, too exhausted to do anything else. Hell, I still have t pull out the lawn mower and cut my grass. I've got 3 foot tall dandelions all of the place making my yard look like shit.

Bright side! Things should be a LOT calmer now. Mom is going out of state, Leah isn't getting hit with mild radiation sickness anymore, and Mary is calm as ever. I can get back to writing. More bright side, the next chapter of the ATLA story was partially written so I just need to finish it in the next couple of days. So, expect a new chapter soon!

Love you all (platonically)


Evening Star

Well that does explain the lack of updates. Sheesh dude. I hope things keep getting better health wise. Be sure to take it a little easy after all that hectic stuff! I think you should sue those idiots for the damage they did to the RV. If you're still finding issues that weren't there before they worked on it then they clearly have no buisness running a shop for RV's.

Jimmy Golden

Talk about a busy month.😅

Finn Ryan

Hey just checking in that you are still okay. Have the IRL problems come back or gotten worse?


No, no problems. Just catching up on what I fell behind on while out of town. I am writing the next chapter of the ATLA story though. I'm already 1/3rd done and should post it in the next couple of days.

xero nightmare

Yo dude you good its been weeks