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Heya guys! hope you are doing great! I wanted to post this lil piece of  news update rn cause i have some plans for December and I want to let you guys know what will happen in advance!

So FIRST! as you guys know, for lots,  December its pretty much like Holiday season! And for me and my family is kinda huge since we do, you know the 24th party, the 31th parties and my parents like to go on a lil trip some other days SO yeah lots of off days that month SO there will be NO Patreon activities on December! No higher tier rewards and not a Poll (maybe smaller polls but we will see!) , sorry in advance!!

Thing is, i dont wanna rush things so yeah this will be like an OFF month for most things. Im actually trying to decide wether I pause the billing cycle for a month, but i think new members cant join for a whole month if I do that so idk if thats the move cause i dont wanna lock some of the content from others... the other option would be to get rid of the higher tiers slots for december alone BUT that would mean when i activate them again it would be like finders keepers AND idk what would happen with the current tier holders so IDK haha but i guess ill let ya guys know!

One thing im sure off is im opening some commissions on december to raise you know the munz for my bills BUT again and i know this might be a lil unfair considering all the support you guys give me, but i plan to focus firstly on twitter users who dont usually get a chance to work with me , so everyone gets their chance you know? so yeah thats happening! again im sorry but let others get some Chris! ;) ( idk why i said it like this KSDKSJAKSJ)

Secondly! u may have noticed things have been a lil quiet this November and Im really sorry about that but i have been dealing with wrist/hand pains sadly so I cant work as much as I would love to, so im actually trying to slowly finish the last things I have to do, to take a break and hopefully get better! Im planning to use this time off to rearrange some stuff and hopefully make my working space more ergonomic so these pains dont comeback for a while so yeah sorry about the lack of content/activity in these last days of the month but hopefully ill be back soon!

Lastly! even thou i already said what i said about December, i will mostly be off the last week of the month so ill be here mostly all month is just you know, like I said i dont wanna rush things haha BUT if i get better of my wrist ill still post some newbies and stuff so yeah! you wont get rid of me that easily haha AND ALSO! if you guys are not on the discord server make sure to link discord to patreon so it adds you OR i can send ya an invite if you want in! i might draw some things on paper (depending on how long of a break i have to take T o T) and post them there , plus we like to share some memes and shit so yeah haha join us! 

I think this is as far as the updates go , so thanks a lot for reading if u did! so to sum things up

-No activities on December, coming back stronger next year!

- Ill be taking some time off this month to heal my wrist.

-Opening Comms on December to cover basic expenses

and with that im off fellas, again thanks a lot for everything this year, i love u and apprecciate u all! stay safe!



Hope you enjoy your time with the family, and that your wrist gets better, you the GOAT Chris!!!💚💚💚


Please take care of yourself and enjoy your time with your family!