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SO if you been reading my ramblings u must have read im SUPER into Dungeon Meshi / Delicious in Dungeon recently so that made me wonder...u know...what if...same concept but seggs LMAO so heres my concept for that! Monster Fechi Dungeon! ill be making entries like this with different creatures and explaining what goes on in said floor of the dungeon, like what creatures to find and how would they react,what they like...things like that! idk seemed like a fun idea PLUS i get to draw more monster girls so LEGGOOOOOO!!! First ill do floor entries like this to kinda build up the wolrd from time to time and then ill maybe use my OCs or random charas as adventurers or stuff like that! idk! lots of posibilities!

this "floors" thou would be like SAO floors , not like actual dungeon/going down a castle thing, so while this floor is the insides of a castle, other floor might entirely be located outside like an orc village (spoilers) with proper sunlight and shit! other floor might be entirely night time for werewolves or somethings like that! so think of these like mini pocket universes of some kind! idk theres lots to think about so that makes me hyped! so yeah ill be making these from time to time so if u a monster girl fan hope u look up to this!




That rat is insanely precious, and that slime looks high as heck, they need a hug tbh ^^.