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Effective 19-12, Avo's build will resemble the following. More updates will come and changes will be made. Other characters will get their builds posted as well soon. Coldtech and structural upgrades will be included next week.

Ghosts - [25,557,009]

Liminal Frame (V) -  16,062 THAUM/c

User: Avo

Heaven/Hell: [Woundmother] - 10,002 THAUM/c


->Domain: (Blood)

->Canon: Haemokinesis (IV) - All blood in user’s area of influence can be controlled; speed and force experience exponential increases with each ton of force controlled

->Hubris: Central pillar of the Heaven must remain 80 tons; each ton of non-central mass controlled increases thaumic and Rend-based demands (5%)

->Canon: Linger - User can eject constructs shaped from their blood; each construct generated accrues Rend based on design and size

->Hubris: Central pillar of the Heaven must remain 80 tons; each ton of non-central mass controlled increases thaumic and Rend-based demands (5%; x2 backlash)

->Canon: Sanguinity’s Reign (IV) - A building haemokinetic storm continuously expands from the user, spreading their area of influence (without limitations) as far as the storm can metaphysically expand; generates more Rend the larger the area it takes up

->Hubris: Attempting to move and alter more than 80 tons of matter without constituting a central construct will result in thaumic backlash (20%)

->Canon: Exsanguinating Helix - Allows the user to instill an exsanguinating effect in a piece of matter, causing it to drain all the blood its mass can contain when in contact with a non-user designated entity; the larger the object instilled, the higher the Rend

->Hubris: If the object is destroyed, thaumic backlash will be inflicted (15%)

->Domain: (Matter)

->Canon: Alchemization (V) - The user can subsume and channel and combine the properties of 108 fragments of physical matter through their blood; the limit of fragments channeled can be increased at the cost of thaumic and Rend-based demands.

->Hubris: Any attempts to subsume gaseous or liquid matter will incur backlash. (12%)

->Canon: Remembrance of Matter (V) - The user can memorize the traits of all physical matter they subsume at a hundredth of the thaumic cost; the matter they memorized can be assembled and blended before a construct is formed

->Hubris: If matter being subsumed has their state changed mid-subsumption, thaumic backlash will be triggered (9%)

->Canon: Stormwreathed - The user can temporarily convert their mass into electricity

->Hubris: If the user is submerged by water in this state, thaumic backlash will be triggered (15%)

->Canon: Haemification - The user can turn all influenceable matter into blood

->Hubris:  Any attempts to subsume gaseous or liquid matter will incur backlash (12%; x2 backlash)

->Domain: (Fire)

->Canon: Matterbomb  - The user can detonate pieces of matter based on mass and inherent energy

->Hubris: If the matter being detonated is destroyed before ignition, moderate (EST. 35%) severe backlash will be inflicted

->Domain: (Luminosity)

->Canon: The Light Unseen - The user can blend their matter with the light of their surroundings should they stop perceiving the world visually

->Hubris: If the user has their perception active while this canon is in use, (EST. 51%) severe backlash will be inflicted

->Domain: (Protection)

->Canon: Fortress of Luminosity - The user emanates a luminous shroud that renders all physical matter bathed by its shine invulnerable; generates heavy Rend (1.2%) every second canon is active

->Hubris: There must be a persistent source of light for the user to imitate in the environment or from the user themselves or thaumic backlash will be triggered. (5%)

->Domain: (Biology)

->Canon: My Blood The Harvester, My Flesh the Symphony (III)  - Allows the user to grow, blend, or extract biological organisms and structures from their blood.

->Hubris: Another source of biomass must be present and in the area of influence or thaumic backlash will be inflicted. (6%)
  ->Canon: Remembrance of Flesh (V)  - Allows user to memorize traits from biological organisms at a tenth of the thaumic cost; the biomass they memorized can be spliced before they are grown.

->Hubris: Another source of biomass must be present and in the area of influence or thaumic backlash will be inflicted (6%; x2 backlash)

->Domain: (Lightning)

->Canon: Boltstride (III)  - Allows the user to transmute and move all blood-based structures as bolts of lightning; distance limited to the reach of user’s Sanguinity

->Hubris: Attempting to move over 120 tons of matter as a single bolt will trigger (EST. 87%) extreme thaumic backlash

Hell - [Fifth Circle]

->Domain: (Matter/Entropy/Luminosity)

->Canon: Breath of the Withered (V)  - Allows the user to expel their total Rend as an entropic storm across their area of influence; the storm will disintegrate matter through withering bolts of lightning (This canon is absolute)

->Daemon: Striking the same place twice will result in the manifestation of an Anathema of Ruin, causing the user to lose control of the Heaven

->Canon: Barrage of the Withered (V)  - Allows the user to expel their total Rend as an entropic projectile the size, shape, and speed of the Woundmother at its maximum potential; this projectile can be guided by the user and is loosed faster with higher Rend (This canon is absolute)

->Daemon: Should the projectile not dissolve sufficient matter, the projectile will birth as an Anathema of Ruin

->Canon: Shadowbreaker (III)  - Allows the user to influence all shadows in their vicinity with a touch of luminosity that will continue to expand and dissolve anything physical covered by the shadows

->Daemon: Should an insufficient amount of physical matter in darkness be consumed in (8 seconds), an Anathema of Ruin will be manifested.

Heaven/Hell: [Fardrifter] - 5,660 THAUM/c


->Domain: (Air)

->Canon: Horizon Strider (III) - The user takes on the properties of a hurricane and can influence winds for 250 kilometers

->Hubris: If an external force counters the motion of the user’s centrifugal force, severe (EST. 59%) thaumic backlash will be triggered

->Domain: (Space)

->Canon: Yondergales (IV) - The user’s demiplane now encompasses ten kilometers, with each ton of mass multiplying the base speed of their winds (252 kilometers per hour)

->Hubris: If an object over 5,000 degrees celsius is drawn into the plane, extreme (EST. 83%) thaumic backlash will be triggered.

->Canon: The Nine Streams of Freedom - The user can materialize from any nine points in space their winds encompass (250 kilometers)

->Hubris: if they emerge in a confined space and are unable to fully materialize, thaumic backlash will be triggered. (10%)

->Canon: Shadowrun (II) - The user can surge within shadows as if they are wind tunnels (x10 current speed); shadows must be connected to pass from one to another.

->Hubris: If a light shines and clears away the user’s shadow, heavy (EST. 39%) thaumic backlash will be triggered

->Domain: (Shadow)

->Canon: Midnight Hand  - The user can blow, move, and shift shadows together as if they are waves in a storm.

->Hubris:  If the user is between shadows when the wind stops blowing and the bridge breaks, moderate (22%) thaumic backlash will be triggered.

->Domain: (Labyrinth)

->Canon: Path of the Nine Storms  (III) - User manifests a maze-like dungeon in the walls of their winds, allowing them to create and weave winding paths from tunnels of air; the maze is a fixed spatial anchor (may not be affected by spatial changes) that can be triggered at any time.

->Hubris: If the inner walls of the dungeon are forcibly breached and someone enters the eye of the storm (where resides the Yondergales), heavy (EST. 39%) thaumic backlash will be generated.

Hell - [Fourth Circle]

->Domain: (Air/Entropy/Labyrinth)

->Canon: Halt of the Passing (IV)  - The user can enchain all actors and objects moving through their area of physical influence (250 Kilometers) with stasis

->Daemon: An anathema of correspondence will be birthed if the total velocity drained exceeds the total Rend accrued

->Canon: Waybreaker (II) - The user distorts all directionality about them (10 kilometers), causing space to coil and distend, randomizing vectors of movement for all actors and objects caught in their wake.

->Daemon: Rend must be balanced in nine minutes or an Anathema of Correspondence will manifest.

Heaven/Hell: [Techplaguer] - 200 Thaum/c


->Domain: (Signals)

->Canon: Skin of Virtuality - Layers user in mirror-reality raw data and information, allowing them to move and exist as radio signals might and shift inorganic objects in their vicinity as blocks of temporarily stored data (reloads back to their original position in reality after miracle ends)

->Hubris: The user cannot pass through lead without incurring heavy (EST. 41%) thaumic backlash.

->Domain: (Space)

->Canon: Techjumper - User inserts themselves into a signal or system capable of transmitting signals, moving as a packet of data and materializing at the endpoint of the transmission.

->Hubris: If the transfer is disrupted halfway, moderate (22%) thaumic backlash will be triggered.

->Domain: (Biology)

->Canon: TechSick.exe (II) - User mimics the properties and symptoms in a virus and transfers that over to a signal-receiving system, affecting the machine as if it were a person

->Hubris: If the transfer is disrupted halfway, moderate (22%) thaumic backlash will be triggered. (x2)

Hell - [Third Circle]

->Domain: (Signal/Entropy)

->Canon: Datarot - The user decays and distorts signals and data within their ability to influence

->Daemon: If a signal the user is decaying is disrupted and they are unable to find another within (5 seconds) to continue expelling their Rend, an Anathema of Epistemology will be generated



Some of those estimated rend backlashes are quite high. Is it possible for a godclad to survive one of their heavens rupturing? It would be fun to have a fight where Avo has to deal with one of his heavens rupturing during it.


I’m not sure the answer to your question, but I do know that it is exponentially more difficult to rupture godclads with multiple cyclers/hells as they can distribute rend among hells that share a domain. So, 80% rend of a third circle cycler might be a tiny fraction of a higher sphere hell.


Thanks for the detailed explanation of the frame 😊