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Severean! Severean! You are not clear to continue the operation. Repeat, do not enter the Moongrave. Do not pursue the target. He has exceeded your capability to eliminate alone. Await further support.

Severean? Severean!


-Harlon Seever, Inheritor


Eidolon Evolution

Refining Source

>>>Source Refined: [120/120] Lumens

Source Core Ascended > Lv. 15

>[5/10] Aspect Advancements to Core Ascension
>>[5/20] Core Ascensions to [Gate] 2 System Ascension

>>>Source: [140/140] Lumens

Reviewing encounter…

Masteries Demonstrated

>Meditation (II) — 67%

>Unarmed Combat (II) — 51%

>Spearmanship (II) — 23%

>Thrown Weapons (II) — 18%

>Tactics — 45%

Mastery Node Capacity [7/10]

>Proximal Acceleration
>Form of the Manticore
>Form of the Resonant
>Lesser Hollow Mind
>Lesser Manifestation
>Vector Chain
>Lesser Cast Possession
>Mark of Enmity

Sourcery Advancements [2] Available!

Select [2]
Source Surge > Source Eruption [Requires 5 Sourcery Advancements (Currently at 4)
Source Magnification > Source Propagation [Requires 10 Sourcery Advancements (Currently at 4)
Aspect Infusion > Aspect Expansion [Requires 5 Sourcery Advancements (Currently at 4)

Liminal Bridge: Uses the host’s Aspect of Relativity to create a pathway to a source Anchor they placed down. The Source Anchor will cost 80% of their active Source and allows the user to immediately travel to the Anchor as if it was a step away.

[Liminal Bridge] Obtained

Sourcery Advancement [1] Available!


Tyrant Lv. 13 > Lv. 23

Allocatable Points [50]

Strength — 31 > 31

Speed — 32 > 32

Enlightenment — 20 > 35

Awareness — 11 > 40

Constitution — 5 > 9

Will — 10 > 10

The first thing Wei did after his resurrection wasn't immediately selecting a Specialization, but finishing his two Core Ascensions. Going over his masteries, a slight sense of disappointment filled the young master. He had expected his second-tier masteries to be coming along, but apparently he wasn't straining them enough. At least he gained the mastery of Tactics, whatever that entailed. 

Furthermore, his Sorcery Advancements were coming along nicely. With each Core Ascension he gained, he felt his Source grow strangely more refined, capable of influencing existence on deeper and more esoteric levels.

With Liminal Bridge procured, he had means of retracing his steps across the vastness of existence. Wei still didn't think he would have much use for this mastery, at least not until he finally finished climbing the Black Tower. 

The next sourcery he was truly interested in was Aspect Expansion. His Source Catalysts stood as the cornerstone of his current successes. The synergy between it, his concept-breaking powers, and his Eidolon allowed him to punch far above his weight. But even that had limits.

As he finally finished his passive meditation via Lesser Hollow Mind, the young master recounted his recent engagements. The Knights of Wrath were fast and superior to him at baseline, but they were still predictable, and he possessed multiple options to bring them low. 

The Dancer, however, was an entirely different matter. His triumph against the Leviathan was a near impossibility. In the end, his success was predicated upon his will and fortune more than any kind of strength or skill.

True, his system allowed for his survival, and his quick thinking granted him the breathing room to create the conditions of his victory. But he was always a single mistake from being killed. If his estimates were just the slightest bit off, if he arrived just a bit too far or behind, if his system couldn't target the vector of the lance, if he failed at a single point, he would have doubtlessly fallen to the Dancer. 

But he hadn't. 

Against all odds, he managed to stun the dancer and lay his intent upon its foundations.

He could remember how many times he head-butted the creature, striking at its Mind. He couldn't even recall the Aspect's value, lost was he in the throes of battle. But it worked, and he won. Drunk off victory, he thought himself unstoppable. His pride bolstered to the point of parody. Without hesitation, he continued on, fully expecting himself capable of a second miracle.

 He barely sensed the essence from the Riftblade before it left him beheaded. It took no effort on the part of the demon to strike the young master low. One second he was alive, the next, a pocket of space expanded between his head and body. And worst of all, he didn't even know what his foe’s level was.

Sobered from his hubris, but encouraged by his victories, Wei considered himself as he evaluated his strengths and weaknesses. Presently, his greatest flaw was how he approached problems. He was too reactive and too limited. He struggled to adapt to more esoteric foes and usually lacked solutions beyond just striking at them with martial skill. 

If he had fought the Dancer as he did the Knights, he would have died instantly. But it was his decision to think and to plan that ensured his victory. His Aspect of Mind had been allowed to atrophy. The young master underestimated its importance. Likewise, without Omniscience, he would have been cut down time and time again. 

Authority, Relativity, Fortification were all essential in direct applications. But he needed to wield them well. He needed to make the right decisions to keep himself alive long enough to understand his enemies and turn the fight around. With that, Wei's focus cleared as he considered the Specializations before him.

Five alternative versions of Wei stared back upon his original self in a vast expanse of comforting brightness. The Wei presented in the first Specialization was a brass-armored young master shrouded by an ethereal cape. He wore a bone-like mask, and a strange essence trailed forth from his long, pale spear. More than that, however, were a half-dozen other spectral spears hovering behind this alternate of Wei like a set of wings.

Spearlord of the Unseen Legion (Rare) — Specialization unlocked by standing alone against overwhelming odds. Become an army unto yourself. Where countless lone spearman fall, you have risen. When most feel against superior forces, you stride forth. With only a spear in hand, you stand a legion unto yourself, and so a legion you shall become.

>Aspect Advancements Per Level: +2 Strength, +3 Speed, +3 Mind, +4 Awareness, +2 Constitution, +4 Will, +5 Free Points

>Abyssal Invocations: [Spectral Replica] — Grants you access to the [Force] essence. Allows you to create and command Spectral Replicas forged from your spear using your foundational Class sin. The damage, speed, range, durability, and number of spears Spectral Replicas you can control are determined by your Aspects.

>Eidolon Form Evolution: [Warlance]

Wei found himself surprised at just how much this rare Class Specialization offered. Impressive, more than he expected, to say the least. Being able to control multiple spears at once, and fighting like an army unto himself, appealed to Wei somewhat. But ultimately, this seemed like it was more useful for dealing with chaff. Spectral spears would not be enough to handle something like the dancer. Perhaps not even the Knights of Wrath if they were of a sufficient level. It wasn't like he needed more spears anyway. With enough power, any individual could be an army unto themselves.

Looking to his right, Wei regarded another alternative version of himself and cocked an eyebrow. The Wei represented by this Specialization seemed to eschew wearing shirts. He was also a good two meters taller than Wei currently was, and his exposed skin was utterly and gloriously oiled. A floral wreath clung to his head, and a network of veins pulsed beneath his skin. In one hand, he held what seemed to be a massive pillar with a flag flapping at its very tip.

Ambitious Challenger (Epic) — Specialization unlocked by defeating foes at least 5 levels above your own. Empower yourself from impossible odds defied. You thrive when others lay broke. You rise to meet any coming challenge. With everything on the line and the world standing against you will ascend through a combination of Will and skill, and with each time you prevail, your Aspects will rise with your resolve.

>Aspect Advancements Per Level: +5 Strength, +3 Speed, +4 Mind, +3 Awareness, +4 Constitution, +5 Will, +5 Free Points

>Abyssal Invocation: [Challenger’s Triumph] — Issue forth an Aspect Challenge against a foe. Should you overcome their targeted Aspect, you will gain a significant boost to your corresponding Aspect determined by your performance and capped at your Class Tier Essence Threshold.

>Eidolon Form Evolution: [Banner of the Challenger]

Wei could see Challenger's Triumph being useful in certain circumstances, but ultimately it seemed more like a gimmick Specialization. With the threats arrayed against him and against something like the dancer, there would be few challenges he could succeed at. In the end, the battle had been decided by a single opening, not a prolonged set of exchanges.

Studying the Wei presented by the Spearsaint Specialization, Wei found himself disappointed as this version of himself seemed all too mundane. The Spear Saint Wei wore plain white robes without any adornments, sported a beard, and still wielded the same flow spear Wei currently did. Yet, there was a connection passing between him and his weapon, a deeper sense of resonance than Wei had ever felt. Reaching out with his intent, he felt what seemed to be a calcified concept concentrated around the spear, and as he read the description he understood why.

Spearsaint (Epic) — Specialization unlocked by performing spectacular feats with a spear. Become one with your spear and pierce existence itself. Your mastery of the spear has allowed you to merge with your weapon itself. Allows you to perceive the world from your speartip and perfectly control it and treats it as a part of your very being even if apart from you.

>Aspect Advancements Per Level: +4 Strength, +5 Speed, +4 Mind, +5 Awareness, +3 Constitution, +3 Will, +5 Free Points

>Abyssal Invocation: [Spearsouled] — Allows you to bind a spear to your Class and infuse it with your Aspects. You will be able to shift into the spear as if it is a Soulspace and vice versa. This spear cannot be directly broken as it is bound to your Class, and you can direct it independently of your body at any given time.

>Concept: [Spear] — Allows you to be perfectly aware of every spear in your vicinity and exert your own Aspects upon them if your Will exceeds that of the one wielding them. The limits of your influence over this Concept is determined by your Aspects.

The benefits seemed considerable, and its Aspect Advancements were far superior to the earlier two Specializations. Looking at the Specialization now, there was another thing to consider—natural Aspect Advancements. Pulling his Trespasser's Compendium via his Inventory, Wei looked up details considering the rules behind Aspect Advancements for Classes in the Claimed Hells and found himself glad that he hadn't allocated his free Aspect points for his Eidolon yet. Apparently, when a Specialization was claimed, every level he obtained from five onwards would have the Specialization Aspect Advancements applied. 

That meant he was due a considerable boost across the board. How useful.

With that came two additional questions. Why had his father's Aspects seemed so feeble, and why was Wei's System so much harder to nurture? Was it simply the separation between his designation and that which Mepheleon possessed? He tried looking that up in the Compendium as well, but details regarding his System and Mepheleon’s were sparse. There were plenty of conspiracy theories in the forums, but Wei felt there was little point to following mere conjecture or guesswork.

Ultimately, though the spear was Wei's favorite weapon, he did not see himself limited to it. It was simply what he used best in combat, but he was gradually changing as well. Epic though the Specialization was, he ultimately felt it too narrow for his liking. He was more than just the user of a single weapon. He would not be constrained.

Turning all the way to the left, Wei found his curiosity instantly piqued as the second-to-last Specialization greeted him. Titanbreaker Wei was nearly twice the original young master's size and height. A long coat of bestial furs woven in with emerald scales swayed from Titanbreaker Wei's body. More than that, a towering shroud of power loomed over him, a projection of an even larger form constructed by pure essence. Titanbreaker Wei also held a massive glaive. It was thrice as long as the original Wei was tall, and it seemed like it weighed close to a ton as well, resembling more an obsidian pillar sporting a curved hunk of iron at its very top.

Titanbreaker (Legendary) — Specialization unlocked by defeating a being of colossal size and mass. Imbue yourself with the realm-shaking strength to bring even the greatest titan down to their knees. The blows of a titan have left you wanting, even should the sky fall, you will be able to bear its weight. With your triumph over the colossal, the mysteries behind their size and might are revealed, and a new path lays open before you: to break those that can reach into the heavens themselves.

>Aspect Advancements Per Level: +8 Strength, +6 Speed, +5 Mind, +5 Awareness, +8 Constitution, +6 Will, +5 Free Points

>Abyssal Invocations: [Titanform] — Allows your to massively boost your Strength, Constitution, and mass via an essence-shaped form capable of matching even titans in size. Grant you access to [Force] and [Destruction] essences. Your Titanform consumes your foundational Class sin. The more mass and strength you invoke, the more of your foundational sin is consumed.

[Defier of the Falling Sky] — Renders you materially indestructible at the cost of all your foundational sin. The Defier of the Falling Sky state will last for 5 seconds and will leave you drained afterward. Your recovery time will be determined by your Constitution.

>Skill Shards: [Tactile Grappler] — Allows you to exert your full unfettered Strength on an object or enemy so long as you are making physical contact with them.

[Journeyman Grappler] — Allows you an intermediate understanding of grappling. Grants a 20% boost to your Strength and Speed when grappling with a foe.

>Eidolon Form Evolution: [Skysplitter Glaive]

Well, having this class would have made grappling and brawling with colossal creatures much easier. Wei couldn't lie, the image of punching the dancer in the face, literally picking up a mountain, and potentially throwing it at his foes someday did fill him with a sense of awe. 

But he also felt it too lacking when it came to options. Ultimately, this was a brawler's class. Break or be broken. Sure, the Titanform and the Defier of the Falling Sky invocations would allow him to challenge foes beyond his current range of strength and even survive against those that exceeded him altogether. But it was all about close quarters.

Ultimately, Wei didn't have trouble fighting colossal life forms. He targeted creatures based on their Aspects. He broke the foundations of reality itself. Additionally, he was not meeting his adversaries force against force. He was reducing them with each clash, making them less of who they were every single time. 

Despite this, the Titanbreaker was a good option. He could see all the benefits it provided to his Aspect of Strength. If nothing else, he would be able to shatter concepts far easier.

Then he looked upon his final choice and couldn't stop the vicious smile from crawling over his face. The Wei presented under the Cataclysm's Herald Specialization hovered off the ground. He was taller than the original Wei by nearly a half meter. Stronger too, but not absurdly so. But there was something more about him. A flood of myriad essences leaked from his very being as wind, water, electricity, and chunks of earth swirled free like a protective aegis around the Cataclysm's Herald Wei.

His skin glowed porcelain bright just as the dancer's scales did, and the undeniable presence of destruction resonated from within this alternative version of Wei. And then there was the weapon he bore. The spear was long and wicked, a shaft composed of lightning, studded with constellations of floating rocks, and surrounded by a shroud of wind. Its blade, a long curved tongue, was shaped from turbulent tides. It was twice as long as Wei's flow spear, and from within emanated a power of calamities.

Cataclysm’s Herald (Legendary) — Specialization unlocked by surviving and overcoming the full power of a cataclysmic disaster. Become force-incarnate and wield existential calamities as your weapons. A storm fell. You rose. The world breaks. You remain. Lashing whips of lightning failed to cut you down, the shaking of the earth failed to make you kneel, the weight of winnowing winds could not turn you away from your task, and massive waves sent forth from the ocean deep failed to claim you among the drowned. Now, the calamities submit and give themselves unto a worthy master, nesting themselves within your being to truly begin their tutelage. Show them what it means to bring ruin. Show them what it truly means to herald the coming of a cataclysm.

 >Aspect Advancements Per Level: +8 Strength, +6 Speed, +5 Mind, +6 Awareness, +5 Constitution, +8 Will, +5 Free Points

>Abyssal Invocation: [Heart of Calamity] — You come an avatar for the cataclysm as hurricanes, tsunamis, lightning bolts, and earthquakes are called forth through your very being, and direct them as if extensions of your body. You gain access to the [Force,] [Destruction,] [Lightning,] [Water,] [Earth,] and [Wind] essences and can direct them as if strikes from your body. The amount of force your can exert on the world is based on your Aspect of Strength. The scope of your influence is determined by your Perception. Your control over the channeled disasters is determined by Will. Become the Heart of Calamity and let the world be cleansed. The Heart of Calamity state will constantly consume your foundational Sin.

>Skill Shards: [Lance of Calamity] — Allows you to create constructs from your calamitious essences. You will gain complete control over these constructs and can wield them as if extensions of yourself. You can detonate these lances by using them to strike a foe or overloading them with essence.

[Essenceshift] — Allows you to shift your form into any of the essences you control. You can merge with your environment while Essenceshifting. Consumes your foundational Sin.

>Eidolon Form Evolution: [Crescent of the Broken Moon]

Wei remembered how the dancer battered him, how it seemed to wield natural disasters to its every whim while gliding through the havoc without experiencing any difficulty itself. 

Lost in his memories, he compared the Cataclysm's Herald to the Titanbreaker. Both possessed different benefits, but considering how he fought and what might bring him the most benefit, Wei wanted options when facing his foes. And with candor, after experiencing cataclysm after cataclysm, he wanted to know what it was like to inflict rather than endure.

Ultimately, his choice was fated. The Dancer had marked him. His defiance of the storm left him attuned to its nature. Hesitating no more, the young master selected his Specialization, and the other options vanished in a parting of essence. Only the Cataclysm's Herald remained, and as it came alight with tendrils of essence, Wei watched and then felt as the other version of himself spilled into his spear and then into his very being.

At once, his flowspear began to change. Lightning crackled along its shaft. Stones began to fuse and break at its rear and along its sides. The whirling of winds built like a shroud around its presence, and the washing of water lined its very tip. As the young master transformed, a scroll of text played across his vision.

Thank you for completing your class Specialization. This rift has been marked as complete, returning you to the Moongrave.

At once, space expanded and then narrowed around Wei as he felt a squeezing pressure push him away from a collapsing shroud of darkness towards a narrow tunnel of light.


Mr. Truthly

You don't need to show stat changes if they didn't. It was 10, just leave it at that. Only changes need to be focused.


Thanks for the Chapter! Honestly, while options are cool and all, I've never really understood chapters that show a bunch of options that won't be chosen. Also, do we know yet what "Consumes the foundational sin," means? I assume this is like, Greed or Gluttony gets consumed to change their class? Where in the Hells does that leave someone with those classes then?

darryl marbut

Wya now knight of lust!!??

Su Li

46 is missing 🥲