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It's been a pretty work-heavy month, and I have a few announcements to make.

Right now, I have a TTF chapter (90%) and Godclads chapter (40%) done. I have slowed down over the weekend to improve my workflow and improve the chapters you get.

As such, expect two chapters tomorrow as it is a holiday here, and maybe an additional Godclads chapter thereafter, bringing the total count back to up 26 advance chapters, but after that, I want to do an alternating schedule between the stories.

Effectively, I will still write as much as I can, so don't be surprised if there are 2 chapter days sometimes, but with workload becoming increasingly erratic, and because Godclads is entering a pivotal point with the trial (there are a great many threads and beats I want to pull off in the coming 50-60k words), I am likely going to be spending more time considering the narrative of the content and making sure the story is as good as I can make it.

Right now, expect alternating days between TTF and Godclads after tomorrow. The same schedule will be adjusted for rr as well, and all additional chapters produced will go toward advance.

TTF is undergoing final improvements and will likely go live on rr before the end of this month. If that causes any fluctuations in my releases, I will let you all know beforehand, but I expect Godclads to be proceeding swimmingly as well.

I apologize for the delays and the slight slip in advanced chapters. Hopefully, the improvements I'm making to my process will reduce the errors you see in the chapters and enhance your experience.

In summation, we're not hitting burnout but a period of careful consideration and brainstorming. Updates coming soon, and if you have any feedback or advice, please leave them in the comments.



We've been building to the Trial for so many chapters, I'd love to see it done justice. Take the schedule you need to hit the mark as you always do. This does nothing to dampen my hype for Avo's Super Fun Fucked Up Run.


Will look forward to chapters for both stories at whatever pace they come out! Appreciate the thoughtful communication.

