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I am going to change the way i post comics and how i price them.

Right now i am posting previews and then the full comic for 4$+ pledge.

From now on ill upload each image separately with some description about it.

The first images of the comic will be for everyone and then as it continues it will be for club members only. (free if its softcore and 1$+ if its 18+ only)

About commissions and supporters tier: commissions will be posted LATER for supporters ONLY, at least 30 days after the commission was done.

Supporters will get a polished version of the comics within a zip file after a comic is done and fully uploaded.



Nice to see youre improving how you post your content n such. Idk if you already do this, but ill suggest it anyways. I feel like advertising your preview's on Giantess focused discord servers could potentially bring in more supporters your way. I see other creators doing it all the time.


i was doing that but not all the way. I paid now for discord nitro and i am going to fully try it out. perhaps ill make a discord server for us later on.


Nice to hear you are improving the way you post content. As to support or supplement Lorenzo's comment. Advertising is a great idea. I know that I found you trough imgur with a small preview and came here for the rest of the content. Heck maybe even advertising outside discord is a good idea, think of the aforementioned imgur or reddit for example.