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Because I can't resist also doing a holiday piece for the month <3 And it's a good opportunity to give at least three of my characters that didn't get a scene this year a little something! Aya and Gwen both haven't been in a scene for at least the past two years, Yuumi's most recent appearance was a year and a half ago if my notes are correct.

Still working out details, poses might change, all that good stuff. But the rough setup is in place, just need to decide on what else to have going on and add some tiny people to the (Gwen might switch to licking one of those tinies she's caught, we'll see~)



Solace Chaostra

Looking forward to it, are you doing tinies being happy or being panicked?


I haven't completely decided yet, but probably at least surprised! I don't imagine they would have been expecting their holiday house to start getting demolished so soon :D