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Straight to the point(s) with this one!

Content update: the "irresistible indulgence" series I started earlier in the year is now 'finished', and I'll be posting the remaining pages/parts of it soon! All 7 parts are already up here on Patreon for the impatient among you, but I intend to post the full series publicly by the end of the year (part 5 is going out soon, then there's a bonus part 6 and 7 that will be public later next month most likely).

December projects! I haven't decided on all of these yet, I'll make another post for patrons once I have more of that figured out. But I usually do something holiday-themed and intend to continue that, but maybe something more just season-themed as well this time...? (a general winter theme, in my case.)

Seasonal depression is starting to show itself for me as well, but I'm feeling a bit more equipped to fight it off this time. I had a whole summer + autumn of bicycling to keep myself more in shape, my LEGO interest has been rekindled by an unofficial shop opening in a mall nearby, and I'm also now considering getting part-time work at either the bicycle shop near me or possibly even that LEGO shop. The aim is that doing more non-computer things lets me have a bit more mental energy for the art I want to do during my free time, so if anything, I'm hoping this leads to more art, not less of it!

On that note, I've also been experimenting way more, attempting some (simple) animating, more complex scenes, a bit of my own model making again. Most of that isn't in a spot where I can easily share it, though I'll potentially post little peeks at that random progress going forward.


A bit of talky stuff to finish...

First off, for those who missed it: ever since Karbo was banned off DeviantArt, it's been pretty worrying for a lot of others, myself included. I've previously cleared out a chunk of my DA gallery just to be safe, so for those looking to find the majority of my work, Eka's Portal and Pixiv probably have the most now, and I'm also still experimenting with using Mega to host an archive of all my old art too (just need to figure out a good safe way to share that).

I'll probably give this its own post of some sort a little later on, but with things being so volatile, having things be more decentralized is super valuable! Other artists have been sharing links to the various sites they're on, I already have a rough list on my personal site (which I just need to do some updating on still), and if you're an artist as well, I'd definitely recommend you do the same (post an image, use a service like linktree, put it all in your bio, whatever works). Not just as a doomsday sort of thing, but because it's just good to know where everyone's content is at!

I see a lot of artists, especially on Twitter, who never bother to share their other gallery links, and not everything shows up straight away in a Google search as well. Do everyone a favor and make it easy for others to find your stuff ^^

On that note, it's also still in my plans to have an actual gallery and stuff on my own personal site, just might need to switch to a better webhost so I don't have to worry about content policies and stuff. If anyone's got some familiarity with the options there, whether it's cheap/free hosting or easy ways to have a gallery with comments, do share!



personally id love to see wips or breakthroughs u have in animation/experiments you thought went well:)

Solace Chaostra

I would personally go for the Lego shop, just because of the childhood nostalgia