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Overdue for this sort of thing! It's been a weird bunch of weeks lately, difficulties finding focus and energy for projects while also having random strikes of inspiration that I all of a sudden need to follow through with. It's kinda settling down for the moment - and I'm starting to shift focus back into picking out a main project for November - but in the meantime, I may as well share that small pile of 'doodles' and other such things that I've gathered over the past month or so ^^


There's not too much to sift through, but at least three new character ideas (that I can remember)!

First two kinda go together; a smol mousegirl (canonically smaller than usual size for tinies in her world), and a big friendly (but hungry) farmgirl whose home she's taken up residence in :D This will be for the still-unnamed setting that Naomi and Nia are from, I've been really enjoying expanding that out more and more lately. It's nice having options, with this setting being more of a modern (and still magical) theme with tinies and bigs living together, while Paeratopa mixes in more fantasy elements and magical shrinking rather than permanently tiny folk.

Last one is separate, though also for the same modern-magical setting! Back in August I posted another doodle dump, and the second-to-last image there is a purple-haired woman with a particularly large tongue. I have a story in mind for her - her name is Orsola, and she'll be something of an 'antagonist' for said story - and more recently, I've decided she should have more of a witchy mage vibe, and along with that I liked the idea of her having a devil/succubus girl she's magically summoned as her familiar/assistant. (borrowing some inspiration from Eskoz's Mio, from his recent "Devil's Cookie" animation!)
Still working out more story background details and all, but the 'important' part for now is how she's looking! I'm going for more of a playful, mischievous look, she's in service to Orsola the witchy mage but still likes to go have her own fun when her master's not around too :D


More stuff still on the way, of the more properly finished variety (starting on the 'final' piece for Bunny and Elise), so enjoy this extra bit of variety I may or may not expand more upon when I've got more time to spare!
