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A belated introduction to a character you might be getting familiar with already!

Meet Elise, an ordinary human just trying to muddle her way through Paeratopa. And currently muddling her way through Bunny... :D

Ordinary by Paeratopa standards, but unique in her own right, of course. Elise is a friendly and energetic person, if a little shy at first. Especially so around cute girls; Paerans most definitely included, though Elise has trouble realizing when she's run into one, oblivious fluster and excitement at being given any sort of attention blinding her to the facts that sometimes, the cute girl she'd like to ask out for lunch is actually more eager to have *her* for lunch...

Unused to living in a world where magic and monsters are real, Elise's naivety consistently leads her into "dangerous" situations, too often letting her fascination blind her to the far-too-obvious hints. A naivety and enthusiasm that's endearing, at least; plenty of Paerans willing to set aside their hunger to have such a fun playmate, though plenty more who just get hungrier instead~



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