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Overwhelmed with comfort though she is, she can realize now that this isn't where she wanted to be. But too late now to protest or resist; utterly enveloped in that squeezing warmth and softness, all she can do now is let herself slip down, barely even a swallow needed on Bunny's part when gravity and copious lubrication are enough to carry the girl along to her destination...

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7

A first for me, and long-requested: a little bit of internal view during a swallow!

Definitely a challenge to tackle this, especially trying to figure out how best to do a cutaway view in 3D without making it look jarring or janky. And I'm still not positive I know how to do that, but it's good enough that I can be satisfied with it now. I'll post some of the behind-the-scenes process shots a little later on as usual ^^

And don't worry! Our little heroine is still safe as always (I'll need to introduce her later too), and this isn't the last "page" in the sequence either :D No guarantees the next piece will be coming quickly - I've got some other projects I still want to slip in here, too - but I do intend to have a little wrap-up to this more climactic scene here, one or maybe two more depending on how well I can convey the ending I want in a single image.

Post going public when the next page goes out, as usual!

edit 8/18/23: tweaked the cutaway portion a bit, so it looks hopefully a little more pleasant! Old version is attached below for those who preferred it or just are curious ^^




Well that's different

Anna Kathryn

Vore itself isn't my thing personally, I'm here for the tongues - but I'm happy to support you as an artist. Only problem I have with this is how much it looks like an open wound at a glance, not sure how to get around that though lol


Hah, I appreciate the support! And yeah, that's the tricky bit, this is actually like a third iteration of trying to not give it that effect. Something I'll continue to tweak before the public release of it perhaps; a bit more of a border on it, softer edges, something of the sort. ^^

Anna Kathryn

I assume you've looked around/previously seen how other artists do it? I'm not familiar but maybe there's good inspiration out there for the effect. Good luck :)


wow it's nice to see an internal pic like this in your work. and you did it very well .