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The saga comes to a conclusion ^^



"A belated update to say that Mabel and Momiji have returned to Paeratopa now, and things are returning to... mostly normal ^^  That said, I should probably share the last selfie the two of them left on my phone..."

"Is it normal to get bullied by your own original characters? >.< Mabel promised the minifigures were safe, and yeah they're still here and still sticky. I'm pretty sure I'm missing a few that weren't in this photo though..."


After losing track of time with this whole scenario and only coming up with the idea for a finale today, I didn't quite expect this piece to come together so quickly, nor for it to end up being so... big. But I'm very happy with the end result, and I hope you all are too!

Now to resume doing stuff like this, just minus the legos :P



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