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Starting off the month with something a lil' different!

Over the past month or so, I've been fiddling around with new ideas and inspirations on the side, slowly turning into a whole new setting of its own. Playing size/vore games like Diminishment and Magical Mishaps (by eskoz and jj_psychotic respectively, check 'em out if you're into that stuff!), it's all been giving me growing cravings for a setting of my own that fits that general theme: modern-esque world with a population of tiny people living alongside the bigger folk, in at least relative harmony...

It's super tropey at its core, the sort of thing you find in vore stories on Eka's Portal or GiantessWorld. "A strange event in the past caused half the world's population to shrink, and now it's all giantesses and tinies and the giantesses have uncanny cravings to eat the tinies." I'm not quite willing to take things that far into trope-land, but there's something fun about deconstructing the tropes and seeing how far you can go with turning them into something fun and engaging, no? Taking those fun bits, replacing the parts I'm not a fan of, not taking things too seriously.


In any case! What we have here are the results of my having fun with character designs for such a setting. (Names still in flux, but for now...)

In image order, we have Nia (left) and Naomi (right), two indulgent girlfriends with a love of catching and teasing tinies; Nia is a shapeshifter, that super-long tongue is something she gives herself with magic, not her natural size. Naomi does naturally look like she does, she's part-cow and a powerful mage, mostly size-related magics so she can make normal-sized people tiny if she likes too, or make herself bigger.

After that, we have a pair of fast-food restaurant workers, Natalee (the redhead) and Abbie (white hair). Natalee's a friend of Naomi's as well, and has mastered the art of just... "helping" lost tinies find their way into takeout bags destined for Naomi's hands, that sort of thing.
Abbie on the other hand is much more innocent, she might have suspicions that her co-worker does less scrupulous things with tinies, but she's convinced nobody would actually be mean to them, so she willfully ignores anything that doesn't match her worldview. She's the sort who returns tinies to their safe areas if they wander out, even if they didn't want to be returned; also a bit clumsy and airheaded though, so don't count her as totally safe to be around either...

For some context, tinies have their own marked paths and areas that are safe, but for some reason, the restaurant where Natalee works has misplaced signs and smudged markings, so tinies keep getting lost in the wrong areas there, where they're kinda free game.

And then finally, we have three characters from elsewhere in the setting! The blonde in the teal dress doesn't have a name yet, and her tiny girlfriend is also undecided. And yes, they are indeed big and small girlfriends; still just started dating, so they're getting used to the hurdles of inter-size relationships, but so far so good!
That is, until their first date ends at a comfy diner that is decidedly lacking in tiny infrastructure, which turns out is because of the cow-girl waitress there; don't get things wrong, she's as friendly as they come, she just has this stubborn idea that it's not safe for tinies to be wandering around freely in the diner, so she makes sure to put them into the safest spot she knows, her cavernous rumen. :P Obliviously ignoring the protests from the two girls on their date as she plucks up the tiny one that somehow got up onto the table, to put her someplace more secure~


I'll have to do another doodle-dump later on for the more 'normal' stuff, but for now, I felt this all deserved its own post! I don't have a name for this setting yet, and I'm not intending for it to push Paeratopa content aside at all. But I've always wanted to sort of expand the 'multiverse' a bit, have more options for different genres and themes. All still the usual non-fatal and everything (this world has a realm-wide enchantment placed on it centuries ago that provides respawns much like Paeratopa has), but still something in its own world, for when I want more of that modern vibe for a change.
This is technically my third such setting now, too? I've not shared much detail on number two, the Castle, aside from a couple of test characters I've shown off for that in the past. But the Castle is more of a mini-setting, while this one is (or can potentially be) more akin to Paeratopa in scale, if maybe not quite so large in content.




would these models be released to Blender for a high tier price??


Sadly my models come from DAZ3D / DAZ Studio, so they're not something I can release on my own! I only modify the existing models and textures, or occasionally make my own props.


Aaaahh!!! They are all so cute! Can't wait to see Nia and Naomi. Love Nia's long tongue, reminds me of Natsume's 😍