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Another one: https://youtu.be/1CPknZQ5hhA 

And another one: https://youtu.be/ji03O_t00AA 

Three WIPs tonight! All from different parts of the potential whole, all a little rough still but they're getting there ^^

I don't know how big this is going to be, and I'm scared to think of how difficult it's going to be to render, if/when it gets to that point. But I'm still having fun with it, and even in this super rough state, I'm liking it. So hopefully so are you!
It'll be an ongoing project for a while I think, moving it to a side-burner so I don't fall behind on my normal projects, but I'll keep posting WIPs every now and then as I keep adding to it.

Learning as I go; I'm starting to see the value now of making storyboards, but oops too bad I didn't do that and just jumped straight in instead. Still, that's part of the fun of it for me right now, just playing around and learning.
I'm not approaching this in quite the way I should. There's techniques for making animations smoother that I'm just not utilizing, because it's not what I'm used to. And you know what? I'm perfectly happy doing things a bit more inefficiently and just having fun along the way.

More to come later! Besides the animation stuffs, I've got a few different picture projects to work on over the next month, so look forward to those as well. And thanks for hanging around with me for this slightly different, more experimental month!


Kuchi donut animation wip6

animation experimentation (rough) - June 2022 third-fourth scene (Kuchi knows what to do from here)


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