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Hello again, everyone! Apologies for not having much to show lately, but progress is being made (albeit slowly). Poses have been tweaked and re-tweaked, Elie and Chelsea's little audience has been added (I'm experimenting with keeping them as just a silhouette, but I might change that later), and the camera angle seems about right? Maybe I'll go for a more extreme perspective, I'm not quite sure yet.

Besides all that, it's just about done, I think! I've got two options for finishing the scene, either adjust the lighting so it's more of a backlit scenario - the background can be all washed-out and white, as a result - or I can try and throw together something simple, some blurry walls and furniture visible in the gaps between them. Not quite sure which would actually be easiest to do, but I think both would look pretty nice. If you've got feedback, fire away!

I'll be working on some of that tonight, so perhaps I can have the whole thing finished in the next day or so! I'm eager to move on to other projects again, before I start getting hit by more late deadlines like the last few times.



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