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“Havin’ fun in there? Aaahh~”

Yuumi can never just eat someone. Not when she can tease and torment them along the way, make sure they know they’re her food… That impact of actually getting to see yourself as you’re so close to sliding down, hovering there upon the precipice, a simple heave of her tongue and squeeze of her throat away from taking a long, dark trip down into her stomach~


Something I've wanted to do for a long while now, for multiple reasons! For one, the last time I did an inside-looking-out PoV was... 2017 from the looks of it. Before a lot of new rendering techniques, before a bunch of model updates. I've also wanted to do a "view in a mirror" scene, and that's something I haven't done before! So here we are getting both crossed off the list :D

I'm not 100% satisfied with the scene, 5 years of rustiness when it comes to doing this sort of postwork especially. But I can always tweak things later if I figure out any improvements, that's no reason not to share what I've got done now for you all to enjoy. And I am very happy with the rest of it! Simple yet complex to achieve, for me.

edit 6/13/22: small improvement tweaks to the saliva, and added the description blurb




that is quite a lovely view