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"Ooh, lookie! It turned my whole tongue blue! Mlaaah~
...oops. I... guess I turned you kinda blue too, eheh..."

It should come as no huge surprise that, at least in Paeratopa, being the size of a lollipop is liable to get you treated like one. A relatively harmless experience to put up with, though when there's actual lollipops around too, that experience can turn a bit... colorful...


March project done, with a few days to spare this time! I had fun with this one, Elie with a blue tongue is an idea I've had for a long while now and this month just felt like the right time to tackle it. I managed to keep the scene itself relatively simple, but I also couldn't resist going for a twofer, before and after Elie's colorful licks. :D

Update 4/4/22: turns out my color profiles in Photoshop were off, so Elie's colors were also off! I've fixed the issue and tweaked the images to where they should be again.




Why must you always make me jealous of candy? :D