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A finally-finished commission for Melody! The pitch for this one was an especially slurpy makeout session, lots of tongues and drool... Starring Umami at the center, with friends Mimi, Zoey, and Emma providing their slurpyness to the scene. :P

Quite a fun project, four characters made it one of my larger scenes to do - lots of contact points to pose and get just right - but an enjoyable challenge. Plus, I haven't done much with kissing scenes in a while, so it's nice to get commissioned to do stuff I want to do but don't always have time for otherwise!


Still not sure when I'll be taking on more commissions again, this one was half testing the waters for what I can manage, and took a bit longer than I'd hoped it would for myself. But it worked out nicely all the same, so with any luck I'll start finding time to open more slots again in the future.



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