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"Aaaah~ You wan' pizzah or haodogh firsht?"

Playtime, snacktime, same difference! Don't worry, Penny can do both at once, no problem. Sure, she can't ruminate them back up like her friend Mabel can, and sure, she ends up swallowing a lot of her playmates along with the food by 'accident', but that's still no reason not to let everyone enjoy both, right? Besides, she's got plenty of them here, almost as many playmates as there are snacks...

Finally done, my 'small' project for the month! A small project that kept getting bigger, and bigger, first one prey, then three, then a full background, then maybe another prey, a bunch of work on shaders and settings... I'm satisfied with the results though, I feel like I've done a pretty good job illustrating what 'snacktime' for a hungry doggo like Penny looks like. (Hotdogs are her favorite.)
And I suspect she's going to be heading out to get a new batch of playmates after this, but still. Let her have her fun, she still thinks she's pretty good at restraining herself.



soul kestrel7672

I have an feeling she just wanted some playmates in her stomach as an snack