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November already, wow. 11/12 on this crazy year, not sure if I'm ready for it to be this close to ending yet but I'm also eager to see it gone... ^^;

Anyway! It's a new month, and there's some new projects in the works, so I'd like to focus on listing those out this time around. Stuff that I'm wanting to do in this month, but don't be surprised if a few of them carry over into the next; for now, my primary goal is to have at least one finished larger project (a full image) and then any smaller ones (character updates, new designs, etc) to fill out the rest. Let's get into it!

To list things in short:
- personal commission for Melody (I'll post more details on this once it's underway)
- Penny's snacktime scene
- "sloppy squish" scene (revisiting this old Sari and Wanda scene idea, but with possibly different characters)
- Yulma character update
- new characters:
  - Ueru (the owner of the boobies in the August update)
  - "blue haired girl" (toying with different name ideas now)
  - "smol pred" (thinking about Onoe as her name)
  - Åse (blonde from... last year's November update? Wow that doesn't seem right)
And finally, not so much of a project, but I've been getting a couple of requests lately to show how I add saliva to my pictures, so I'm thinking I'll try a little breakdown/tutorial on that! Not quite sure how yet, if I should do an image set or just try to record a timelapse of my process, but we'll see how that goes.

Lately, the weather has taken a sudden temperature drop, and around the same time, I've been trying to sort out my sleep schedule again, so it's been a bit difficult to get things done. Staying up all night on the computer used to be great for me (productivity-wise), but I suppose it's catching up with me now; sitting for so long makes me sore and stiff, being up at night makes me feel cooped-up and antsy, it's overall not fun and has been messing with me quite a lot.
Hopefully it's continuing to settle, though! And before anyone asks, commissions are technically still closed, but I am starting to make space for them again, so I'll be more officially opening (probably very limited) slots as things progress.

I'm not expecting to get everything on the list above finished, but at least a few of them! The commission will take a bit longer, since it's a big one (excited to show WIPs once it's underway). Of the bigger scenes, I'm hoping to do either Penny or the sloppy squish this month, and both would be a sweet bonus. And then of the characters, Ueru and Onoe are very nearly done already, so we'll see which ones get finished when.



Looking forward to it all! Best of luck and good health to you.