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June's project poll is live, go vote! http://www.strawpoll.me/10497363

For reference, here's a summary of the choices:

  • "dropped in" vore POV -- Momiji + friend

    A POV shot from inside of a mouth (Momiji's giant one), looking out over her tongue and past her lips to see one of her friends watching you go down! ("friend" is probably going to be Yuumi but I haven't decided)

  • "tongue bath" G/t licking -- Teena

    Teena just doing her usual predatory kitty things with a tiny person, happily "grooming" them with her slobbery tongue!

  • "overly friendly"  catgirl facelicking -- Nyue + Kaitie

    Catgirls Nyue and Kaitie being friendly and affectionate with each other, as Nyue licks Kaitie's surprised face!

  • "creamy treat" foodplay/mouthplay -- Haru

    Haru dangles her tiny playmate above her outstretched tongue, mouth already full of melted cream!

It's the first poll I've done, and still on a trial basis, so bear with me if there's any little technical difficulties or anything.

Voting's open to everyone, one per person, single-choice and all that. I'll leave the voting up for a couple days (until the weekend or so) and announce it when it looks like we've got a winner, that project will be the one I work on for the second half of the month. Yay!


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