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It's been a little while since I actually made a new character rather than an update to an old one, and I don't think I've often shown WIPs from that process!

Currently, there isn't too very much of her design concept that's figured out; I know I want to do something with blue hair (I've done pinks, and purples, whites, and some nice unnaturally bright reds, but never anything all the way into blue or green), and I haven't done an extra-long tongue in a bit either, so that's pretty much her design so far. :D Perhaps a friend for Mimi, blue and pink makes a nice combo! Mimi's pretty obsessed with dates and (fictional) romance, maybe this character is more into parties and hangouts and games, a bit more casual than Mimi but with some similar delusions of what's 'normal'.

We'll see what feels right as she comes along further, I'm not in any rush; character designs like this are very much just based on my own interests and feelings in the moment, so I try not to force them, just gather up a big pile of influences and inspirations and see what comes out from that. Still, it's a process I don't share as often as I probably should, so I hope you all enjoy the look so far. ^^



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