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Wow! It's been a while since I last posted a new character - over a year actually, that last one being Uie - but say hello to Lalasa!

Okay technicality: she's new in the sense that she was never around before, but Lalasa was actually a super old character of mine, years ago. Her character didn't stick around and had a lot of missing bits in terms of personality and all, but having dug up her design more recently and rediscovered my interest in her, I decided to bring her back to life, so to speak.

Anyways, on to actual introductions! There's admittedly still some work-in-progress going on with her personality and character, but enough of it is there. A bit more eccentric, weird even, she's a Paeran with a bit more magical aptitude then most; her "signature" skills would be magical teleportation/retrieval, not only can she 'poof' prey out of a stomach when they've been eaten, but she can do so with surprising effectiveness, whether it's her own stomach or a friend across the room. She can do plenty more though, but for the most part (aside from the shrinking magics inherent in all Paerans), her other magical uses tend to be just whimsical effects, she's not terribly concerned with making sure everything is useful so long as she finds it interesting and fun. Why bother with all of that when you could make someone glow in the dark or taste like strawberries?

As I said before, she's eccentric, even  by Paeran standards. :D And she knows she is, though she doesn't see why that might matter at all; just enjoy yourself, that's what really matters. Whimsical, airy, at times seeming to be oblivious to nuance, at others, oddly perceptive. She marches to the beat of her own drum, a fun unpredictability... If perhaps not always what you might want when she's also a person who's inclined towards shrinking and gobbling up humans...

Incidentally she's good friends with Uie, the two of them getting along exceptionally well and making quite the combo with Uie's self-duplication and Lalasa's prey retrieval. A particularly dangerous pair, at least if getting eaten is something you wanted to avoid; a lovely bit of fun if you're less concerned with that inconvenience of (multiple) trips to their stomachs and the eventual respawn when they move on from their indulgence~



M66KAN (edited)

Comment edits

2023-07-24 23:37:43 I love it <3
2021-09-25 21:12:51 I love it <3

I love it <3