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So yes, both of these characters were already up-to-date, technically speaking! Uie was created just back in August of last year, and Sari was updated shortly before that in the middle of July. Still, I felt like they needed a bit of a further tweaking, still, so here we are with a version 1.5 of sorts. :D

Uie: Not too much done here, actually! The main changes are just some little bits of color correcting, a slight change in her tongue texture and a fresh sprinkling of freckles that I felt fit her especially well. The rest was just some proportion adjustments, getting her head and body size to look right and fix some little bits of weirdness in there. The changes (aside from the freckles) probably won't even be that visible, but to me she feels much more as she should be.
Original post: https://www.patreon.com/posts/40109330

Sari: Likewise not too much, but unlike Uie she did get a bit more of a proper update. Proportions were the main fix for her as well, just a bit more dramatic in her case, since her head was, to be honest, kinda huge. Fitting with my older style, but lining her up with everyone else now and it was a little too obvious for my tastes that her head was bigger than everyone else's (plus it was making her look younger than she should be too, she's supposed to be in her twenties).
She also got some tweaks to her tongue shape, and a bit of an 'upgrade' to her chest area as well. That last one is more subjective, but for whatever reason, in my head she always had a slightly larger chest, and in renders it just didn't really match up. Solved now, though!
Original post: https://www.patreon.com/posts/39349635

Something a bit different from the usual, but I've been a bit out-of-sorts lately and fixing up these two was both a relatively simple project to work on and a nice bit of head-clearing to have these two back up to where I wanted them to be. Back to new projects after this, now!




Cutties everywhere!