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(I debated just titling this with keysmash, but as accurate as that'd be, not very clear.)

...So! How are things?

Such a weird time, but let's try to condense it all, shall we? I haven't made a post like this in a while, and it's very overdue!


First off: things have been slow, that needs to be gotten out of the way. It's been fairly busy over the past month in terms of projects, but currently? Things are honestly a bit stalled.

I'm quite proud of the achievements over the past couple months; starting with the ForBitches lookbook I contributed to, a project I'd not expected to become so big, and followed shortly after with two more projects, one for Buffalo Zine (currently in the printing process! Kinda surreal) and a smaller one for Adriana Hot Couture, both fashion-oriented. They all kinda go hand-in-hand, the ForBitches project was more unprompted (the designer liked my work in particular for his vision), while the other two came about afterwards, partly due to the visibility of the ForBitches project in the fashion world.
Honestly, I still don't know much about the fashion world, I'm muddling along blindly. But I certainly can't be unhappy about the unexpected opportunities I've gotten from it. Heck, my art is currently on display in a small gallery show in The Hague (superweakness).


But all of that is finished, now. There's surely more projects to come, but for the time being, I closed up shop to have a few weeks to myself and to work on personal projects for a change.

...Which is kinda where I've gotten stuck, to be honest.

I'm just overloaded, right now. Too many things to think and worry about; family stresses, life stresses, some... let's just call them "current events" that have been current for far too long now. I'm trying to just ignore a lot of it as best I can, to not let myself stress over things I can't control, but that's a difficult thing to do, now more than ever. I've got messages left unanswered for days, weeks, probably even some for months because I legitimately can't keep track of some of them (I've been trying to clean and organize both in digital and physical realms, but it's a daunting task).

And perhaps it's needless to say that it makes it difficult to just sit down and work on creative things, even though now is when I most want to be out there creating entertainment and distractions for myself and everyone else.

I definitely have ideas to work on, characters to update, all of that! It's just been tough to be able to sit down and do any of it, without my mind going blank or a dozen distractions rearing their heads. For better or worse, I started messing around with Legos again, a childhood pastime that still holds a lot of appeal for me, and hey, I'm an adult now. I can afford to buy one of those bigger sets I always wanted as a kid! Just struggling a bit to get past creative blockages even there, still.

(I did build a big crane, though.)


Where's it all headed? I'll be honest again, I'm not sure. Like I said, I've got ideas, I have plans, I'm just struggling to make them happen. Maybe I'll open commissions again soon, on a likely very limited basis; not sure if it's the best idea, but giving myself more commitments and deadlines could be the push I need to get things moving. At the least, I'd like to settle back into a minimum of one finished picture per month here, so we'll see how well that works out!

This is all just a bit of an update, a heads-up on where I'm at. It might still be a bit slow here for a little while; I hope not, but I haven't had full control over the circumstances, so it's hard to say anything for sure. But I hope things are at least going well for all of you, and that you can continue to look forward to whatever I do produce next, whenever it might be. ^^


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