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With my other projects done, it's back to this! Fresh new renders for Zoey, a character update I'd basically finished a few weeks ago, but slight work overload kept me from finalizing until just earlier today. ^^

As is more and more frequently the case, Zoey's old profile covers things well enough that there's no need to write it out twice, when I can just post a link. Admittedly, I said it then and it still applies now, she could do with some more fleshing-out in terms of personality... But it'll get there! Boldly playful is quite nice as-is, I think.

Lil' bonus today too, since I'm quite happy with just how much of an improvement the renders are... A little before and after, honestly the old renders had an almost hazy tint to them, while the new ones are much warmer! I'm much happier with how things are looking now, and it's a lovely show of progress over the past two years.




When's the Ellie revision going to be finished?


Not sure! I've been working on character updates in no particular order, Elie is on the list but I'm mostly just doing whichever ones I have a plan for next.