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Another character update! A combination of her being on my to-do list (last update she received was, I think, a few years ago), and a potential appearance for her in an upcoming commission project. ^^

Fun fact: last I left her, I was busy giving her a new casual outfit (see image 3, "Mimi-(profile)alt"), but in the end, I just like her old, kinda overcomplicated outfit more. :D I think it's fitting for her style too, she likes dressing up a bit and being cutesy and romantic.

On that note, not much should have changed personality-wise, but any old profiles are probably extremely old at this point, so in summary... Mimi is utterly obsessed with romance, even though as a Paeran she has a more limited understanding of it. In her case, most of what she knows (and likes) about romance is stuff she's read in novels and other stories! Needless to say she's got a bit of an exaggerated perspective on it, and not helped by her own conclusion that shrinking and eating her dates at the end of the evening is also a part of that romance thing.
At least you get to enjoy a pretty good date with her first! A trip to a coffee shop, or to the beach, and she loves kissing too. Just, y'know, she's liable to slurp you up with the kiss...




Mimi is my favorite by far, can't really put my finger on why. This is outstanding work, man! I'd really love to see her in some action. That beautiful tongue shouldn't just be hanging out. Some kissing and wrapping around her dates brings your work to another level. You did it before, I'm sure you can do it again ;)


Glad you like her! Valentine’s Day is coming up and I usually do a render with her for the occasion, so maybe I’ll go for a scene like that for it :D


Oh you’re right! Maybe Ruri will be once again in the right place at the right time :D