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Welcome, everyone, to 2021! Otherwise known as "the future", if we're to use old sci-fi stories as a guide. (And why shouldn't we?)

The past year was a rough one, you don't need me to tell you that. So let's skip all that and focus instead on the positive, the optimistic. Plans for the year, and beyond.


First off, a momentary bit of news; I finally got around to sending in my ipad for repair (it's had a minor crack in the screen for a while, and coverage on it is running out soon), and the replacement is in the mail back to me now. I'm kinda excited for that not just because I've come to rely on having it for a lot of mundane stuff - art references or just chat windows while I'm working, etc - but because I'm starting to get eager to dive back into drawing some more again for this year!

In particular, there's one specific project that's been looming over me... Some of you may remember a crowdsourced project I started, oh, a couple of years ago by this point I think? A vore drawing of Tharja from the Fire Emblem series, which got funded to a line drawing stage... and TL;DR I froze up on it, got stuck, never finished it. I'd like to finish it now. I probably can't fully make it up to the folks who chipped in the money to fund it, only to never see it finished, but I can try! And hey, maybe getting that done at long last will open the floodgates for more drawing, more fanart, more in general.

So that's the bigger looming thing, but I've got other plans, bigger and smaller. Character updating is something I'm gonna continue on, but also now that I've got a bunch of characters updated already, more scenes is something I want to do. Outside of the usual 3D art, I might like to experiment some more as well; animation is one big thing, though I'll temper expectations early and say it's gonna be small stuff, animated GIFs and such. I don't have the energy or focus for bigger projects, I'm happy to leave that sort of stuff to the likes of Cakeinferno and Eskoz.

And maybe some non-art stuff, too! Health is becoming more important to me, and I'd like to not only exercise more, but just work on more projects away from the computer. And still on the computer, there's a little part of me that's kinda wanted to be able to stream; my 3D work isn't all that exciting to watch in progress, so I'm not sure yet if I actually want to stream that. But maybe if I start to draw and paint more, that's an option. Or hey, maybe even just games!


There's probably lots more I could ramble on about, ideas big and small. I want to do so much with so many things! But I also need to keep learning what my limits are, and how to better focus and apply myself. This past year has been especially jarring in a lot of ways, but that shake-up has been helpful in its own, kinda toxic way. Lots of reminders to step back, refocus, to think simple.

I hope 2021 shapes up to be a great year for all of you! Or at the very least, that it's a positive one. Not every year needs to be great, so long as you get through it and progress as a person. It's the sum of all those years that should be great.

Be great, everyone. <3


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