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Hello everyone! Apologies for falling mostly silent this month, things have been piling up a bit! Well, more than a bit, but that's neither here nor there.

First off, I appreciate the suggestions and previous votes you've all given me! To recap, I'm starting to move away from the "vote on a project every time the funding goal is reached" model, mostly because I've come to realize that these are projects I honestly want to be doing, regardless if they get funded or not. Of course the support helps - the more I receive via pledges and donations, the less I need to rely on commissions each month, and the more time I have for other things - but i don't like giving off the impression that I won't do projects I personally enjoy unless they get paid for somehow. This is just a bit of extra income!

So from that, I asked for some suggestions late last month, and I've gotten a few: something involving frog-girl Yayu tongue-catching some prey, something putting a little more emphasis on a predator's throat (bit of a bulge), there was a vote earlier for a scene that involved catgirl Neema teasing and slurping at a shrunken fella... all of which have some interest to me, so I'll be aiming to work on at least one of the above hopefully before the month is up!

Beyond this, I'm also going to be looking to post a bunch more behind-the-scenes content as I'm working on these and other projects, a little more insider content. Suggestions and requests are also still open here as well, so feel free to throw some more ideas into the pile; the ones I enjoy, I'll find some use for them.

I suppose a last invitation for all of you is just to suggest what else you might like to see here, as rewards as well as content. I want to keep making sure this venue is worthwhile for those of you who offer your support, so if you think I could be doing something more compelling here, don't hesitate to let me know!



Welcome back :) hope your ok, try not to let things get on top of you, we do appreciate your art but if you need a lil break then take one :) im sure we will still be hear when you get back, anyways ide like to ask a few questions about the size of the prey, like i know you have used different size models before but what is your favorite? for example i think 2 inches high is just about perfect size to be a snack also do the girls have favorite sizes seen as they shrink down thier prey? Like ide like to imagen that yayus favorite is 2 inches it almost seems natural that she would want to snatch something up with her tongue that is so bug like , heck she could probably pick up two at once with one lash, just thinking of an image like that gets me giddy haha anyway i do hope your well , thanks for the update and good luck


Bit of a late reply, but thank you! I'm slowly catching up again. As for the question, I think my favorite would be somewhere around 1-3 inches, and probably leaning a bit towards that smaller end of the scale. Small enough that someone could be picked up in just two fingers and fit comfortably into a hand or a mouth, but just big enough that their features aren't entirely indistinguishable! I like it when there's still interaction to be had, if they're much smaller than say, an inch or so, I imagine it would be difficult to really do anything with them, they're just a speck, a crumb, and not very exciting as a result.