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Something new, again! And more of a side project, since I don't have particular plans for this character, at least not yet. But I couldn't just not make her a 3d model after coming up with her design, now could I...

So granted, she's not looking especially dragon-like just yet, she's missing horns and a few other details currently. But hopefully that much is obvious when she doesn't even have any colors yet either; working out the general shaping of her face, body, and of course (the most recent bit of work), her big ol' tongue. I'm not all that sure if there's any particular agreed-upon shape for a dragon's tongue - unless you're going for a more lizard-like forked one - but bulky just seemed to be the right choice here. Plus I'm imagining she has a bit of cow-like features, so that fits too!

I'll try to delve more into her actual character in the future (questions are welcome though, here or in the Discord channel), but in brief summary:
She's a non-Paeran, though she lives in Paeratopa now (sharing a house with some various other monstergirl types). Incredibly soft, and gentle, and perpetually sleepy, her favorite things are pillows, naps, and eating. And, as a bit of a result of her general go-with-the-flow nature, she's picked up on the fact that the Paerans here consider tiny people to be food, and it took no convincing to set her on the same mentality; so much so that she basically doesn't even register that tinies are anything but food, and will blithely slurp down any she comes across~




A very Gilly-mode monstergal for sure. ^^