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I'm not quite sure what to call these! It's not a WIP, since I'm not actually intending to go further with this, but it's not a fully finished piece either, since it's technically not rendered and I haven't done any postwork on them. So, ultimately, I guess it's just the equivalent of a doodle in 3D? A 3Doodle, if you will (but that's a terrible name so I'm not using it).

In any case! I've been doing a bit of setup on Momiji for future use, and some unrelated chatting led to the topic of "hands in maws" which led simply to the curiosity of... What would it look like if a normal-sized human put their hand in double-sized Momiji's mouth. (and then afterwards wondering what it'd look like if the human was half-sized. (and then a clean version too.))

Maybe I'll try doing more of these in the future! With how easy it is now to just do a preview render and have the results look honestly quite good as they are, it opens up a lot of opportunity to just do some simpler images that don't require as much of a time investment.



John Henrek

Yes holy shit I LOVE IT - you're a god Saftkeur!!