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Been a lil' while since a proper update post! And now with pictures!

Not quite sure what to call some of these; half are WIPs, the other half are more like... render sketches? 3d doodles? They're quickie things that I'm not necessarily planning on fleshing out, but things are so quick to run a preview-mode render on, that there's little reason not to post them.

From first to last:
Mara slurpin' a cupcake (might flesh this out someday)
new character design preview, Uie!
a random Kuchi mawshot
experimentation with a new terrain generator add-on, and
rendered results of said terrain generator add-on

Uie is probably the bigger item here, I'm still working out clothing and poses and all, but the rest of her will come soon! I'll probably drop another little bundle of WIPs later too, once I gather up a few more. Going for more of a wide tongue than a long one for a change, and a fun magical concept where she's able to self-multiply temporarily. :D

The other, less flashy big thing here is that terrain generator (a product by the name of UltraScenery). Very powerful, even my newly built computer struggles a bit with the sheer scale of what it can create, but with a bit more practice and optimization, I can see it becoming an incredibly helpful tool for outdoor scenes. That forest and stream, for example; I rendered it as an aerial shot, but it should all be perfectly detailed for close up scenes too! Walking through that forest, sitting beside the stream... I don't know if it'll be quite perfect for some of the Paeratopa scenery I want to someday make, but it's definitely a step towards it.


What else in general? Lots of little things in progress, lots of little hiccups slowing things down still though. For example, one thing I'm stuck with on Uie is the fact that I have a rather large library of 3d clothing items to put on her, but... Transitioning to the new computer and new software wiped out all of my categorizing, so I have no way now to just browse through, I need to hunt for every file. Re-categorizing is the next step but, like I said... It's a large library. >.<

I'm also having some minor physical difficulties, too. I'm not in the best of health, lots of compounded stress and bad habits and just... Y'know, general crumminess. I spend too much time at the computer, not enough of it on actual productive stuff, and I end up all sore and stuff and dealing with headaches more and more regularly. That's very much on my priority list now too, trying to just get more exercise and eat more healthily, take better care of myself physically and mentally. But it's also not an easy thing to just suddenly start doing, especially the mental stuff.
Not much else really to say there, besides just a heads-up on some of why I'm feeling so slow lately. I'm settling into more than just the new computer setup, there's lifestyle habits I'm trying to work out too. Because the old ones simply aren't sustainable.

That all said, I hope you're all having a good time and staying safe! Take care of yourselves, be nice to one another. And with a lil' luck, look forward to more arts soon from me. :D



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