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It's not 100% running on all cylinders - still need to install some more programs, get my settings worked out, etc - but the new PC is up and running, and 3D content is at least mostly transferred! And oh, how nicely it works now. ^^

So, as sort of celebration / breaking it in / getting acclimated to the new rig, I'm thinking it might be fun to go back and re-tackle some older (or even a newer) piece, render it again with new settings and render engine and all that fancy stuff I now have access to. What better way to visually show the performance improvements and all? I just need to decide on what to revisit, and so...

Got a favorite piece, or something you think would really benefit from a newer style of rendering (like my latest piece)? Just drop a comment (or send a message, or shout it in Discord, whatever works) to let me know what you think would be a good piece to re-do, and I'll pick one or two from the suggestions to update!

edit: I should drop a link here to my DeviantArt gallery for those of you who don't already have a picture in mind, since not all my stuff is on here!  https://www.deviantart.com/saftkeur/gallery/
The most recent piece ("castle lady - squish") is also a good example of what the newer style can do ^^


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