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Hey there, everyone! Apologies for the lack of activity this month, life has been making itself difficult. As we're fast approaching October though, the total pledges so far will be enough to hit that $50 milestone for a Patreon-sponsored project, so this is where all of you come in! (yes, even you! If you can read this, your input is welcomed.)

I have three Paeratopa image concepts at the moment, so all I need from you folks is your vote on which one should be October's sponsored project.

The three concepts are as follows:

#1: Haru's creamy treat
Haru sits with her head tilted back and mouth open wide, a mess of melted cream on her tongue as she invites her messy treat - a shrunken girl - to hop inside.

#2: Momoe's burger and boy
With a burger in one hand and a shrunken boy in the other, Momoe relaxes on her couch while savoring her little appetizer with giant licks from his toes to his head.

#3: Hinako in the jungle

An experimental piece! Half-3D, half-painting; from the perspective of an explorer in Paeratopa's dense jungle, we can see a giant-sized Hinako towering in the distance as she does a bit of exploring of her own.

Just vote by commenting (or messaging me directly) the number you'd like to vote for! One vote per person please. I'll keep the voting open until the end of the week (October 3rd), and the project concept with the most interest will be the one I work on during that month. Voting is open to anyone, but patron votes will have a bit more weight to them, since they are the ones making all this possible.

Don't worry if your favorite one doesn't get the slot! These are all projects I'd like to work on eventually, so the ones that don't win will either show up again in future voting, or they'll end up being worked on when I have free time later on. ^_^

Additionally, if you'd like to make suggestions for future projects, or give feedback on the voting process, go right ahead! This is all still new to me, so every little bit of feedback - whether it's constructive critique or just a "I like it" - it all helps immensely.



Ugh, I love Moemoe's freckles, but Haru and the cream idea is just too great. I'm so conflicted :(

Matt Flamez

hmmm Momoe slobbering on the boy ^__^ yummm