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About time for another update, right?

I've been working on a bunch of projects off-and-on lately, a lot of which are (in my opinion at least) just a little too rough and unfinished to post here without potentially overloading people with notifications. That said, they're still worth sharing, and since Patreon allows for uploading image sets now! Well, here we are.


First image is the most recent, and also the biggest thing here. I've been getting more and more frustrated lately with the technical limitations of the software and render engine I use - DAZ Studio 3.1a, and the connected 3Delight renderer - but I haven't wanted to move up from that due to a general dislike of the new Studio 4's interface (sooo much poorly-used space and clunkiness), and major issues with content/scene compatibility. I decided today to give it another try; what you see above is the results of that, a new (non-Paeratopa) character I've been working on, rendered once each in 3Delight and in Iray.

The latter is... well, it's straight-up better, not much contest. I'm still not sold on whether or not it fits my style, but it's definitely something I'd like to experiment more with. At least with this one character (as of yet unnamed, I not long ago posted a bit of background on her concept over on Twitter).


Number two is a character I'm very nearly finished with, currently just named "kitsune". This one is a Paeran, perhaps evident by the tongue... I've stalled slightly due to issues with her tail (too floofy to handle in 3D, unfortunately, and part of what prompted the above experiments), but I'll figure out a way to bodge that together and post her anyway!

Number three is kinda lumped in with the same, new character, nearly finished. :D That one is Penny, the dog-girl; image shows a stage of the process of painting in saliva, starting with plain white and to be followed after by color and shading to blend it in.


And last one... Another not-Paeratopa project, this is very much a side project, after being put in the mood for something more traditional in terms of fantasy. A mage/sorceress who summons dragons, or at least the heads of dragons, to aid in her spellcasting and combat... as well as being simply a fine excuse for dragon maws, a bit odd-looking at this stage but I'm tweaking and fiddling as I go. Perhaps that will be another project I'll try to move to DS4 and Iray, to make use of the styles available there and make something far more fantastical.

Besides all of the above, I'm still working on other projects, too. In all honesty, working very slowly; seasonal and regular depression coming a bit more strongly than I'm able to deal with, these smaller projects helping with that but not making it go away. I do hope that I can take the motivation that's led to all of these projects and channel it into further growth, expanding what I'm capable of, but a fair warning that it may come with some further periods of silence as well! I'm trying as best I can, with what energy I do have, and I hope you all continue to enjoy what I create. ^^



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