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Time again for another character profile update! And like Amelia before her, Yayoi is another who has gone without any attention for a fair few years now.

Same old, same old; tweaks here to body shaping and head size, a little touch-up here and there, such as her pose and the look of her tongue. A bit of a wardrobe update is the ”major” change; new underwear, so she’s not stuck wearing a bikini under her clothes 24/7 like previously. :D

And now, her character! Yayoi is a tsubashii/angel hybrid, the former being quite common lately, the latter being exceptionally rare. The usual shrinking magics are in full effect here - unshrinking too - but more unique are her angelic magics, taking the form of some mild protective and restorative effects, and a powerful ability to whisk would-be victims out of danger. In Yayoi’s case, its uses are limited, but she can utilize this to effectively teleport tiny prey out of one’s stomach and back to safety. Or more realistically, back to the waiting jaws of any paeran who would quite like to eat the same snack twice. Such as herself!
Cheery and warm, Yayoi is a sweetheart despite what some of the above might suggest, particularly loving to play the role of hostess and keep her friends happy with plenty of food and snacks to share. And though she prefers to use them in moderation, Yayoi is always happy to lend her angelic magics to any friends who may have “accidentally” swallowed a snack before they’d meant to, or in other cases, initiate rescues on behalf of friends who hadn’t intended to swallow their snacks at all.

...But mostly just so she can enjoy the experience of swallowing her own prey as many times as she might like along with a meal. :P



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