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No, you didn't miss the June update, I did (:

It's been continuing to be a funky time! And not in the good dancey way, but the "I can't remember what month it is" way. Still, things are getting done, progress is being made. I'm slow, but not completely stalled (and this week has been much better).

Not too much to actually update on this month, besides some notes that yes, I'm still working on a bunch of older stuff I've previously teased at. Not everything; there are ideas I've shared before that I haven't actively started on, and not all have kept my interest. But the stuff I've posted actual WIPs of are still there, and I'll catch up on them eventually!


More currently, I'm potentially expanding on the Sanae piece in the coming weeks. There's already an alternate tongue-out version of her current "soft sweetness" picture, which I'll try to tweak and post later on; a change in render settings partway through the project meant her hair very subtly changed colors between the two renders, so I'd like to fix that first, before it bugs me too much more. But what's popped into my head as an idea now is something a bit more than just an alternate view; an actual mini-sequel, a follow-up of the same scene just a few moments into the future. I won't say much more on that, for fear of not being able to follow it up, but hopefully! I'm having a good bit of fun with Sanae, I like the way her design came out. :D


What else? Not much, but also hopefully soon will be another new/remake character design. There are still more characters I've made ages and ages ago and never actually shared online; a few designs that honestly were deeply flawed at the time, but now that I've come a great deal farther, I can revitalize them as something new. A character named Alika is likely to be my next project, and I look forward to showing that off once I start!


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