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"Ohh, more friends, yum!"

Snacktime is better with friends, be they friend-friends or food-friends! Kuchi's got room for both, there's always enough treats to share with everyone, and whatever new tiny human friends she's made today are a delicious addition after everyone's finished snacking. Or sometimes in the midst of the snacking...

I ended up spending quite a bit of extra time on this one, but I'm satisfied with the result! Lots of painting and re-painting for the mouth details especially, lots of little adjustments, undos and redos. But in the end, slightly simpler turned out to be best and I think it came out well, conveying a bit of Kuchi's casual enthusiasm when it comes to eating both sweets and shrunken treats together. :P




oooh, I really like what you did with the background! It really does sell how she likes livin'~ Makes sense why she's got such a good, soaking tongue.


Surrounded by treats, good friends, and *tasty* friends. She could just do to be a lil' more clear to her smaller, less Paeran friends that she considers gobbling them up to be a part of friendship :D